Chapter 5

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John awoke the next morning with a pounding head, lying face first on the floor of his room. He sat up slowly, wondering where his pants were. And why hadn’t Mimi gotten him up? She usually called for breakfast.

Then again, she didn’t exactly approve of his drinking habits, and perhaps this was his punishment for going out and having a little fun the night before.

His legs felt heavy when he stood, and John groaned as he fumbled for a pair of drainpipes. A light stain the color of bitter resided on his white shirt and his lip felt swollen. He dragged himself to the bathroom.

What happened last night?

John caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror as he made his way for the loo. He looked like hell. With hair everywhere, eyes ringed by dark bags and a busted lip. He smiled to himself, a little disappointed he didn’t remember anything from the last twelve hours. It must have been one hell of a night.

And Wendy never even crossed his mind.

They didn’t see each other for a while after that. Both were hesitant about meeting the other again, but for very different reasons.

It took Wendy a while to stop being angry at John for ruining her night out. After some time though, she just shrugged it off.

But John would have happily steered clear from her the rest of his days in Liverpool if he had his way. He couldn’t stop thinking about the dark haired bird, and hated the idea of anyone finding out about his desire for her. Especially Wendy. It was bad enough to admit it to him self.

Despite the reasons to stay apart, one night John just couldn’t resist not seeing her any longer.

Wendy heard the tapping on her window minutes after she’d begun to drift off. Quite convinced it would go away, she tried her best to ignore it. It was dark out, the small hours of the morning. It was probably some stupid bird. Wendy rolled over and buried her face in her pillow, sighing. The noise continued.

It was probably just a bird.



A fucking big bird



A really big, very stupid bird

Tap Tap




With a groan, Wendy threw the sheets back and stumbled to the window. She didn’t care what it was; she was going to kill it with her bare hands. She shoved the window open, looking around wildly for the culprit…and something small and rectangular hit her square in the forehead. Surprised, she started backwards, and the object fell to her feet. Wendy snatched it off the floor and nearly laughed; it was an unopened pack of ciggies.

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