Chapter 12

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“You’ll call me?” Molly asked, pinning back her hair again and fixing John with a pining look.

He wasn’t even paying attention. At the moment; he was just focused on getting his pants back on. “Yeah yeah” He said.

“We’ll go out again?” She pressed, putting her hand on John’s knees and leaning in closely. Before she could say anything else, John lunged in for a kiss and his hands went up to her hair.

“Watch it!” she snapped, swatting his grip away and immediately pulling back. He smirked at her and got up to take her to the door.

“So what are you doing tonight?” Molly pried. John groaned inwardly. He’d been trying to get her out of the house for ten minutes but the stubborn bird refused to budge from his room before they made plans to go out again.

“Got band practice.” He lied, trying to snake an arm around Molly and push her to the door. She spun expertly out of his hold to look John in the face. “Really? On the same day as your performance?”


“Yeah” He said, not offering any further explanation.

“Well, can I come?” She asked. John was starting to get frustrated. How difficult was it to let this girl know he didn’t actually like her very much? 

“We’re not supposed to bring birds for the sake of the group.”

“Oh” she said, looking disappointed, “Well, what if you didn’t go to practice?”

John ground his teeth together and left the room to stand in the hall with the hope Molly would follow. She did.

“Then it’d be shit.” He growled.

“No need to get nasty.” Molly said lightly. She stepped closer and got up on her toes to give him a quick kiss. “Just tell them you have a date with a pretty girl.”

John laughed crudely. “My dates don’t interfere with practice they’d never believe it.”

Molly jerked back from him. “What’s that supposed to mean?” she said accusingly. He blinked. “Nothin’ I was just saying—“

“I’m not just common thing you can shag you know.” She said, her mouth was twisted up into this sour look like some of the old hags at school usually wore.

John raised his eyebrows. “Did we not just shag?”

It was alarmingly easy to wind this bird up. At the rate they were going she’d go stomping out of the house in five minutes, and he wouldn’t be expected to call her either. 

Molly’s bottom lip trembled. “I’m not a slag!”

 The conversation was starting to spin out of control. John shrugged carelessly. “I didn’t call you anything.”

“You’re a bastard John Lennon. A right bastard.” She spat harshly.

“I didn’t swear my undying love for you because we had a little fun.” He retaliated, but he could have right then without her even noticing because she started to cry so hard he didn’t think she could even hear him.

“Don’t call me!” She sobbed loudly, “Never talk to me again!”

John bounded down the stairs and swung the front door open hurriedly. She was really starting to scare him now. “Don’t worry about that love.”

Still crying, Molly rushed to leave and John barely gave her time to step outside before he slammed the door behind her, locking it shut.

God if there was ever a time for a drink, it was right then.

Molly was a nice girl, but she’d gotten wound up awfully fast and it took John completely by surprise. Their one time encounter had only been a shag, and he’d thought that had been perfectly clear from the minute they’d started to Mendips.

Shagging was supposed to come later in a real relationship, not first, and that was one reason John had never been all that interested in going steady with someone.

The house was quiet again, and John went back upstairs to look for a pack of ciggies in his room. He found one in a drawer and smoked the entire thing lying in bed. He lay there for hours, blowing tight little rings of smoke at his ceiling, wondering what in the fuck he was doing with himself.  

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