Chapter 36: Together Again

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[This chapter is dedicated to @Brallieloveforever because she's a die hard Jared and Mallie fan. And just because I'd like to thank her for not giving up on them and sticking with this book. Her comments make me so happy!]

-Mallie's POV-

When I came back to the waiting room there were more people there. People that I didn't recognize except for one tiny, cute little girl standing behind another woman who I was guessing to be Jared's mother. And then there was a man conversing rapidly with Ryan. Even Aunt-Hailey and Uncle-Steven were there.

"Mallie!" Maria cried running to me and engulfing me in a hug.

I squatted down in front of her as she wrapped her arms around my neck and all the others gathered around us.

She pulled away from me. "Am I going to get to see my bubby?" she asked me as a tear fell down her cheek.
I had to keep my own tears from falling as I wiped hers. "Oh, Maria, I'm going to help him ok and then you'll get to see him again, don't worry. But he told me he wanted me tell you something. And he doesn't want you to ever forget it. He said that he loves you, ok? Don't forget that... ever." I whispered.

She nodded her head at me and hugged me again as I picked her up into my arms.

"We're not going to get to see him are we?" Jared's mother asked, holding back her tears.
I smiled. "Yes, you are, because I have something that can clear his name."
"What?" Jared's father asked. "How do you have something that clears all charges of robbery and attempted murder?"
"I'll explain once the police chief is here, Ryan go get him and tell him what I have please?" I said as Ryan nodded at me and Aunt-Hailey came over and stood next to me, rubbing my back.
She turned to me. "Mallie," she whispered, "I thought you and Jared weren't seeing each other anymore."
I smiled at the ground. "It's complicated, like I said I'll explain everything when the chief get's here Aunt-Hailey."

Just as I said that Chief Rider's loud pronouncing grunt turned me around to face him as I handed Maria to Jared's mother.

"You told me you weren't going to bother me anymore. I gave you your five minutes to see him and he blew it when he kissed you. You're not getting anymore time to see him." the Chief said sternly.
I looked at him. "I'm aware of that." I replied. "That's not why I asked you here though. I asked you here because I have proof that Jared didn't do anything that you say he did."
"You didn't have proof an hour ago, how are you going to suddenly have proof now?" he asked.
"Maybe I didn't realize I had it until now," I replied as Aunt-Hailey held onto my hand firmly.
The Chief shook his head and began walking away. "I'm not buying it," he said behind his back.
"What if I told you it involved your son?!" I called out to him and he stopped dead in his tracks, turning around to meet my gaze.
"Humor me," he said coming to stand in front of me once again.

I pulled out my phone, praying to go that it had recorded every word that Nathan had said. So, I turned my volume up and played the recording. Every word was clear and you clearly make out the distinction of each voice.

"And you love putting me through pain!" I heard myself say. "It makes you feel like you have power over me! Well, guess what Nathan, try as hard as you want, but I will never fall for you. You're a cruel human being who doesn't know how to let someone go!" I continued.
"Don't. Push me." he snarled.
"Go ahead," I whispered, "go ahead, hurt me, just like you did last time."
You could hear him trying to take in deep breaths. "Mallie, you better be careful cause if you're not I'm gonna make sure-,"

And then Jared's voice came, you could clearly tell it was him.

"Get your hands off her!" Jared hissed, "But that's what you enjoy isn't it? You love being able to have her right under your finger and watching her suffer in pain! You just love it don't you?" Jared yelled.
Nathan came back on and I knew this was the part where he was going to confess. "One more time! Just one more time and I'll make sure that everyone thinks you robbed that cafe!" he seethed. "I'll make sure you rot in that cell forever!"
"You'd really blackmail someone just to maintain your reputation?" Jared's voice said. "You really are desperate enough to put her through that much pain!"
"I'm done!" You could clearly hear Nathan's voice now. "I'm done trying to give the both of you chances and you just throw them away like they're nothing! I'm calling it in. I don't care how much you beg me! I don't care that he didn't do it because no ones going to know that!" he continued yelling.
"No!" I cried.
"Do it!" Jared shouted. "I don't care anymore because I'm not gonna f****** sit here and watch you do this to her! She deserves better than you! She doesn't deserve this kind of life and you know that! So, when I'm sitting there in that cell, one day I hope you'll realize what you did to her! All the pain you've caused her! Because if you truly loved her you'd want her to be happy and you and I both know the one thing that would make her happy is to rid you of her life! For you to leave her in peace so she can make a life for herself!"

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