Chapter 8: Why am I Crying?

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  • Dedicado a My long lost best friend Kaitlyn


I shut the door to the apartment and put my hand over my mouth, trying to stop the tears that wanted to come out.

Had I really just done that? Had I really just broke up with Nathan?

I walked up the stairs towards my room—which was the door on the left right across from Ryan's—with my hand still covering my mouth and small, silent tears escaping from my eyes. I don't know why I was crying. It's what I had wanted was it not?

Yes, but hurting other people doesn't exactly make you feel better.

"You asshole!" I heard Ryan yell as my foot hit the top step and I wiped my tears.

Jared laughed. "You really suck at this man."

I walked into my room and was about to shut the door when I suddenly heard Ryan yell so loud I almost jumped out of my own skin.

"What the hell man?! You were supposed to cover me!" he yelled as I looked over at them and Jared was staring at me.

He had his brows furrowed almost as if he were confused as to what was going on and it was then that Ryan looked at him. I quickly looked away from him, wiping my tears again, before shutting the door as quickly as I could. Now was not the time to be thinking about Jared.

I heard Aunt-Hailey yell something, before the shuffling of footsteps down the stairs rang out through the door.

All I wanted to do was wallow in my self-pity and watch Netflix. I didn't really care about my geometry homework at the moment, it could wait... but Netflix couldn't.

There was suddenly a knock at my door, just as I was about to sit down on my bed and I immediately knew it was Ryan, but I wasn't really in the mood for a brotherly lecture—about how horrible some guys can be—at the moment.

"Go, away Ryan!" I shouted, grabbing my TV remote off my desk.

The other side of the door was silent.

I sighed, getting up and opening the door. "I said go—!" but when I looked up to see who it was, it wasn't Ryan at all.

It was Jared.

"Oh," I whispered nervously as we stared at each other, "hi."

He looked back at me in all his wondrous, hot, glory. His perfect, well curved face, deep crystalline, see blue eyes, and wonderful worried expression that made my heart want to melt. Why did he have to be so perfect?

"Are you ok?" he asked.

My eyebrows raised. "Yeah, I'm fine," I lied, turning my head the other way and wiping a tear that had fallen down my cheek.

"No, you're not," he whispered.

I turned back to him, feeling another wave of tears coming to my eyes. No, please don't cry in front of him. He'll think I'm weak and too sensitive. That I'm no good for him.

Woah! Hold on a second. When was I even trying to be "good enough for him?"

His hand found its way to my cheek, wiping a stray tear that had somehow managed to fall from my eyes, despite the desperate attempt I was making to not burst into tears.

I don't know why I was crying. I wanted to break up with Nathan. I wanted to be free of all the pain he was causing me. I couldn't live like that.

I looked into Jared's eyes, the question I wanted to hear the answer to for days was lingering on the tip of my tongue, until I could no longer hold it in and I blurted out.

"Why did you date Cassidy?" I whispered.

His eyes shot up to mine. "Why does it matter?"

"Because the whole reason you date someone is because you like them and you obviously didn't like her so..."

"No, I didn't." he laughed as I managed to crack a smile at that. "But I'm not going to tell you until you tell me what's wrong."

"Why does it matter?" I mocked him.

He looked me in the eye. "Because I care," 


Hey what do you guys think about these guys? Who do you think Mallie's going to choose?

Team Jared?


Team Nathan?

P.S If anybody has any suggestions of name's for these teams just comment. And don't forget to vote!

Comment and tell me what team.

Follow me on Instagram: @katycwattpad


My Brother's Best Friend Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora