[losers club] first "i love you"

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Yes I did write these(except for that poem in Stanley's lol) and no I'm not mad that I didn't get any opinions on the last update...just disappointed...lmao jk


"In just one moment,
Life can pass by
Out of nowhere.
Violent endings
Erupt our minds,
Yearn for control.
Only you can save me.
Use me as you wish."

he smiled, finishing the last line. you smiled, placing a kiss upon his cheek.

Hint: first letter of each line.

she kissed your forehead and there was an "I".
she kissed your cheek and there was a "love".
then she kissed your lips blissfully and there was a "you".
only you.

obviously y'all put carved the date into the hideout's wall duhhh

he kissed your lips gently, as if he could break you any second. sometimes he thinks he already did. with all that he put you and the club through, he doesn't understand why they haven't left him. and do you always have to reassure him.

"Bill, we're here for you. We made that oath because we care. Don't you ever forget that...I'm not leaving you, okay? I...I love you too much."

Ugh so cliche...says me.

he gulped hard, swallowing down the nerves. he knew if he fucked up, there would be no going back. and he wanted this to be special. so he with all his heart, he hoped everything would be okay and go as planned. you stared at him, waiting to hear what he had to say...even though you already knew.

"Y/n. Before the day I met you, I was always looking for something, someone. Like there was something I needed. And when I met you, I finally felt that I did. I had found that missing piece. Now, after meeting you, every-thing has just seemed...brighter. What I'm trying to say is...I love you."

Then he'd turn and curse really loud. When he turns back to you, he pretends nothing happened. Lmao jk

he planned the evening meticulously. he made sure everything was perfect. he made sure he did everything according to plan. but there was one thing he hadn't planned.

slow dancing with you.

and he didn't know how, so you had to show him. luckily, he's a fast learner.

after dancing for a while, he whispered in your ear.

"I love you."

Which also wasn't planned.

Then she got preggo...the pasta sauce brand I mean...hehe

richie is never affectionate around the other losers. he prefers to only show you his love. so it caught you by surprise to see him holding a guitar in front of your house with them behind. he strummed the guitar lightly, watching you close the door behind you.

finally, he gently sang, "I love you bitch.....I aint, no no no, I ain't gon never stop loving, sweet lovin, you...bitch......"

tears swelled up in your eyes.

Hehe sorry but I had to

(This poem obviously isn't mine)

he stared at your face, feeling the nervous raging on in his stomach. finally, he started to recite the poem he had created over the few month that he's known you. of course with the help of ben.

"I hate the way you talk to me
And the way you cut your hair
I hate the way you drive my car
I hate it when you stare
I hate your big dumb combat boots
And the way you read my mind
I hate you so much that it makes me sick
It even makes me rhyme
I hate the way you're always right
I hate it when you lie
I hate it when you make me laugh
Even worse when you make me cry
I hate the way you're not around
And the fact that you didn't call
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all."

Stan's way of saying "I love you" I guess lol

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