[cast] meeting the family

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I wanna hype this book up more ughkshsjskhs
So literally no one has any requests? No? Okay then...


- you two grew up together so ur families already know each other
- they still decide to have a dinner to celebrate
- they encouraged y'all to date for years so they were pretty excited
- lots of embarrassing stories told at the dinner table
- at least everyone is happy

- he brings you and the family together at a restaurant for lunch
- they're wary of you considering his past relationships
- they kinda drill you with questions to get to know you
- find out they actually really like you and think you'd be a good influence for Jack
- want you to get him to do things for them, like chores
- now HE'S nervous

- he surprised them by bringing you along for a vacation trip
- they're confused at first but are eventually happy for you two
- they almost give y'all the "talk"...
- thankfully he stops them and changes the subject
- oh don't worry, it'll come up again at some point during the trip...

- he brings you home with him
- his parents are super energetic to meet you
- they think you two are the cutest
- take looots of photos
- always ask if you need anything
- they're honestly like parents to u
- "Are you okay? If you want, you can take Jeremy's room and he can sleep on the living room floor"
- Jeremy: "OK WAIT WHAT?!?"

- his parents already knew you from the film you two were in
- they were a bit iffy on the idea of y'all dating so young at first
- after meeting you, they knew they could trust the relationship
- his brother Nick absolutely loves you, mostly because he likes seeing you roast Finn
- the family is happy for you two, but still wants you to be cautious

- they invited you over for a family game night thing
- she told them once you arrived
- her family wasn't surprised
- "oh honey, we been knew"
- they even thought y'all were dating a loooong time ago and not just recently
- either way, they're happy that you and her are happy

- you go to his house and introduce yourself to everyone
- the boys are delighted
- she's so chill and she automatically loves you
- you start to like her more than Wyatt oops
- y'all start planning days to hangout, excluding him
- looks like you got yourself a new best friend
- bye bye wyatt

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