Andie and Jamie

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I watched as Christy Sanders stood quietly beside the library doors. She looked around with her bright teal eyes, her brown hair swaying along her tall, skinny frame. Her eyes stopped on me, and she instantly brightened.

"Anna! Hey!" She said, walking towards me.

"Hey Chris," I said, embracing her in a hug. We walked over to the wall where she was standing at and we sat down. She pulled out her phone which had a new case on. It was the same color as her eyes, except a shade or two darker. "Cute case," I said, pointing to it. She didn't seem to hear me as she smiled down at a message.

"Who's that from?" I said reading the message, which seemed somewhat perverted to me.

"Andy," She sighed. I groaned.

"Andy? Really? He's a jerk!" I threw my hands up in the air. "You just broke up with my brother, and now you're about to date another guy?" I slightly furrowed my eyebrows.

"Your brother already has a girlfriend, so I think it's fair I get a boyfriend too. Plus, Jamie asked me out, and I don't know if I should date him. Andy isn't a jerk, anyway." She said, pushing her long brown hair out of her paper white face.

"He's a jerk because he only uses them and he touches and does dirty things with them." I stated.

"Well, Jamie says dirty things." She huffed. I rolled my eyes.

"Hmmm.... Which one seems better? A guy who says dirty things, or a guy who actually does them?" I asked her. She slumped her shoulders.

"Good point."

When the Sun Refused to Shine [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now