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  I put on a fake smile every day. A smile so often used, people think its natural. When in reality, its fake, it hurts. I laugh at jokes that aren't that funny to me, but funny to others. I'm a pin cushion poked and prodded. I'm used as a punching bag, a personal maid. I hurt deep down inside, needing someone to reach my soul from the depths of darkness and bring it up to the open sky. That's me, how I'll always be.Some day, maybe, just maybe, I can finally see the light that lies beyond my dark pit or lost hope. See the true happiness I was meant to see. Breathe the fresh sea water, arms open wide to the caressing wind. But for now, I lay in my pit of despair, the dark all I can see, all alone. No visitors.Hope and joy, lost long ago... My only refuge is writing. I'm lying every second of my life, tearing me down, piece. By. Piece. I'm tired of being fake, the smile glued to my lips, the scars on my wrists. I just want to be happy, even if thats a person in my life. I just don't want to see darkness anymore... The tears wiped away and away from my dirty cheeks.The pits of despair i am stuck in don't seem so bad... The loneliness? Used to it. The constant heartbreaks? Normal. Everyone has that one silver thread... I haven't found mine... My heart is caged in- protected from anyone who seeks an entry. Only chosen ones find the key. Can you find it, and come save me?  

When the Sun Refused to Shine [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now