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"Jolynn? Are you ready yet? Your mother does not have the time for you to be messing around and making us late," My father called from the kitchen.

"I'm coming, father." I groaned as I slipped my plain light pink heels on that matched my plain light pink dress.

"Jolynn McCarthy! How many times must you do this to me? I'm always late because you always seem to think about yourself rather than the well being of this family!" My mother screeched from the living room, her heels clacking on the wooden floor in a pace.

"I'm sorry, Mother. I was just putting my shoes on. I'm ready now." I said, walking unsteadily into the hallway, leaving the safe comfort of my bedroom.

"Well, hurry up, I don't have time to be playing these foolish game with you." She snapped. I walked into the room, wobbling in the heels that I'm not used to wearing.

"My! For once you do look stunning," She said, rudely.

"I'm glad you think I look acceptable, Mother," I said dryly.

Esmeralda, my sister, sat perfectly still on the sofa beside my mother, her face nonchalant.

"See? Look as Esmy. She came right on time, looking beautiful as ever." My mother said, hardly even glaceing at Esmeralda's messy hair.

Es beamed, and straightened out her plain black dress that stopped mid drift.

"Shall we get going then, Darling?" My father emerged from the kitchen, whiping his face of crumbs from a stolen cookie.

Mother nodded and headed towards the door, where Frank, our butler, opened the door for her and held it open while the rest of us filed through, and followed her out like baby ducks after their mother.


Once in the car, my mother turned to me.

"Now, Jolynn, you will behave yourself, do you understand?" She glared at me.

"Yes, mother I know how to behave at events such as this one." I said, dodging her death glare.

"Yes, well this one is even more special than the rest," She said slowly. "This event, my dear, you are the guest of honor."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Why am I the guest of honor, might I ask?" I questioned. Mother beamed at me.

"Why, you are to be betrothed to Mr. Mason's son, Drake!" She clapped.

"What?" I cried. "I can't marry someone I've never met!"

She stopped, and narrowed her eyes at me.

"You've met him, just maybe not in person." She countered, pulling out a magazine from her handbag.

She flipped though a few pages and showed me a man posing for the camera.

"He's a model?" I cried. Models are so stuck up, at least in my experiences.

"Yes, aren't you glad he's handsome?" She smiled.

"No, Mother! Why can't Es marry him?" I yelled. She swiveled all the way in her seat to see me.

"You know very well that Esmy is certainly too young to be marrying someone the age of Drake. He's only a year older than you, and I will not be having him marry my seventeen year old child. Now you will go ahead with with wedding, do you understand?" She snapped.

I sat quietly in my seat.


We pulled into a big driveway that led to a huge house. Max, our driver opened the door for my mother first, then went to my side and opened the door, and I slid out of the seat, while Es and my father followed behind.

"Ah, Clare. What a pleasure it is to see you!" A man's voice called from the tall wooden doors.

"Mr. Mason! The pleasure is all mine!" Mother walked up to the chubby man, taking him into an awkward embrace.

"Esmeralda, its lovely to see you again," Mr. Mason greeted my sister.

"Now, you must be the Jolynn I've heard so much about!" He said to me.

I looked down. Bad things, I bet.

"Ah, George. Nice to see you as well," He greeted my father.

Es moved slightly closer to me.

" Drake is even more handsome in real life than those photos, Jo." She whispered. I shrugged.

"If you think he's so great, why don't you marry him." I snapped. Es stepped back, hurt in her eyes.

"Do, please come in," Mr. Mason said, signalling us to enter.

I walked as graceful as I could, following Mr. Mason down a long hall into a dining room where three other people sat.

"Please take a seat anywhere." He said politely, clearly signaling me to sit next to Drake.

"Do as you're told, Jolynn." My mother hissed in my ear before sitting down across from my father.

I sat down next to Drake, who looked at me as if I was an alien.

"Hello," He said. I responded with a fake smile and a quick "Hi" back.

Soon, the food began making it's way onto the table.

A plate with hardly any food landed in front of me.

"Ladies eat very little," My mother whispered into my ear, only loud enough for me to hear.

I picked up my knife and fork, and gracefully cut into my kid-sized steak.

Once every one had finished the meal, maids began to grab the dishes and clean the table.

Joey, who I had met during dinner, began to head back to his room undetected, and once he saw me looking at him open a door, and right before he disappeared into the room, he held out his index finger up to his lips to signal me to be quiet about his escape.

When the Sun Refused to Shine [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now