Chapter 38: Thick tension

Start from the beginning

Toothless explained. Hiccup turned around, facing his captors. How was he going to explain this? How was he going to say that their prize dragon might not even be at the Island. Actually, they might think that he's attempting to fool them and escape, or that he's trying to mislead them off their goal.

"But could you still take us to the Island?"

::Yeah. If they let me out of this cage, I can lead them there by pointing my head in the correct direction. And I won't try and escape::

"Alright, I'll ask them." Hiccup replied, turning his gaze to Alvin and the others. "My dragon said that he will be able to lead us to Dragon Island if he can come out of the cage. I swear on my life that he, or we, won't try anything once he does."

"You expect me to believe that?" Dagur asked, taking a few steps forward.

"Use your brain Dagur, you're the one in control here. You know very well I wouldn't do anything to risk Astrid's safety. So even if Toothless and I did try and escape, we'd be endangering her in the process. Just let my dragon come out." Hiccup tried to reason with them.

"He's right, Dagur." Alvin spoke, "He won't try anything. Let the beast out." Alvin ordered the guard who had the keys to the cage. The Outcast nodded and jogged to the cage, hands shaking nervously as he unlocked the door, unsure whether the dragon would try something. However, as he opened the door, making sure to stay behind it, Toothless simply walked up to Hiccup, not showing any intention of attempting to escape. Hiccup patted his head in thanks, before looking back at Alvin.

"You might want to head to the wheel, since he'll be directing you." He suggested. Alvin nodded and took his place at the wheel while Toothless reached the bow of the ship, and began tilting his head in the direction of the Island. He had been called to the island so many times, from many different paths that he knew the way to it by heart.

"If he's leading us anywhere else, know what happens." Cutthroat warned him, standing dangerously close to Astrid and a look of warning plastered on his face, while Enobaria traced a knife along Astrids cheek. Making Hiccup nervous, but nodded slightly as he watched Toothless continue to give the directions.

(Isle of Night)

"Any news of where they could have gone?" Stoick asked another group of people who had entered the throne room after searching their portion of the island. The leader shook his head sadly, along with explaining how they had searched every cave, tree and bush in their search zone but had come up empty. Stoick sighed gloomily. Astrid's parents were also with him. They had been anxious about the well-being of their daughter ever since the moment she never returned home. They had seen her walk out with Hiccup that night. They knew about the present she was going to give him. But what happened?

"Thank you everyone. Please take some rest. You've been out there all day." Mala spoke. With appreciative nods from the group, they left to fill their stomachs up from half a day's search, knowing that they'll be heading out again once evening comes.

"Do you think they've left here all together?" Asbjorn asked.

"Astrid wouldn't ever go anywhere without Shade these days. It's just not her." Astrids mother replied.

"All I know is that Toothless is missing. So there is the possibility that they went flying on him." Mala added.

"But, shouldn't they have been back by now?" Gobber asked. "I mean, I know they're young adults and they have their needs but it shouldn't take this.."

"Don't... finish that sentence, Gobber." interrupted Stoick, grasping his forehead in annoyance and the time Gobber had to say that. The Hoffersons weren't looking entirely impressed with that idea either.

The Dragon Master Part I: Rewritten (A Httyd fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now