Chapter 20: Blast from the past

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(Astrid's pov)

We've been sailing toward the Isle of Night for days now, winter was about to hit us and with the dragon raids, they've stolen more livestock than we can raise. Our people are starving, scared and losing hope, I don't blame them at all. I pray to the gods that if Hiccup is the Dragon Master, then he's show us compassion and help us, even though he has every reason in all of the Archipelago not to.

I looked over at Fishlegs, the man had lost weight, and his fat was replaced with bulky muscle and he was growing a small beard, currently the man had his face deep in the Book of Dragons, he'd add as much information in the book almost on a daily basis. He'd grown fat from knowledge, no one knew the facts about dragons better than him.

Snotlout still had his arrogant, bashful personality which I hated...and he still tried to hit on me, even after countless attempts at injuring him...he still didn't get the big picture of how I would never ever go out with him. Ever. He also had sprouted a small beard and had grown a bit taller and put on a bit more muscle. It was the same with

Tuffnut. He was still his...dumb, crazy self I guess you could say...his hair style had changed into dreadlocks, and he also was growing a beard.

Me and Ruffnut had grown quite a bit as well and it was evident on our bodies. Our outline was more defined now, but as we've grown we've still retained the shape from when we were fourteen. I'd say out of the five of us, me and Ruff had matured, well Ruff had matured a lot but still she argued and fought with her brother every once in a while. But I knew this trip had something more in it. Stoick was looking for Hiccup...I wouldn't say looking but to make sure he's still alive or if he's anywhere.

So far the villages we visited in the past had stories of a man in black, violet and golden armor riding a creature black as night coming to their aid with their dragons. I remember only seeing Hiccup and his...dragon. Either way I didn't care because it was none my business and that they had been marked as traitors for life in our tribe, although I had to admit it...I did miss Hiccup...a little. He was the only one who didn't act tough and strong, he acted himself even though all of us didn't like it.

"Hey Astrid, do you want to bunk with me tonight? Because if you're cold, I'll keep you warm." Snotlout called from the deck. I sighed and I threw a harpoon right at the railing at where he was. He squeaked a bit and fell back down. "Does that answer your question?" I asked him and turned back to see Asbjorn, who rolled his eyes.

"When will he get it through his thick skull that you're not into him?" Asbjorn asked looking at him getting back up and dusting himself off. "You and I both know he'll never learn." I said not paying attention to him. "What do you think we'll find at the Isle of Night?" He asked. I didn't know much about the island, only that it was where the Night Furies came to be in the Archipelago. Who knows what we'll find. "I don't know Asbjorn, it's mainly a business trip right now, just to ask the Dragon Master if he's willing to help us and we'll pay him and leave." I said. "Yeah, we'll be staying there for about four days." He said leaning against the railing. "Why don't you ever go out with any one Astrid?" He asked.

"Because I don't want to. Snotlout is just...ugh...and Fishlegs and Tuff are not anywhere near my type. What about you?" I asked. He shrugged and looked out toward the sea. "Honestly? I don't know. I'm not really looking to be in a relationship at the moment." I smiled and stood beside him. "Guess we warriors are destined to be alone huh?"

Asbjorn scoffed and nudged me. "Please, we both know you'll be wife sooner rather than later." I chuckled and shook my head. "As for me? Well, I'll probably die in battle before finding a woman." I punched his shoulder and he looked at me in curiosity. "You'll find a woman, and she'd be an idiot not to be with you. You're handsome, kind, excellent in battle and a good person."

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