Chapter 1 - My Parents

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Long ago, the Kingdom of Rose was ruled by a bloodthirsty ruler, one that was raised poorly and unloved. That king is my Father, his name is King Fire the hedgehog, his fur would shine the same red as his enemies blood, his eyes would fire up when mad. Many stories were told to me about him, he would kill anyone that got in his way, he despised peasants and would execute any that would talk about him behind his back. He was disliked by everyone, until he met one beautiful woman among the peasants. When the king left the castle to fight in a war between the Kingdom of the Wind, he got severely injured. He crawled back to his kingdom, only to pass out in the peasants area. He was found by the beautiful woman, she cared for him while he was sick, Fire soon learnt that he was being cared for from a peasant around his age, and a peasant who didn't hate him.

Fire's untamed fiery heart was softened by this woman. This woman is my Mother, Snow the hedgehog, her white as snow fur was soft like a pillow, her eyes as blue as the sea. Her cold peasant heart cooled Fire's heart while his heart warmed hers. They were two opposites completely in love with each-other. The King decided to redeem himself, he wanted to be a better king with his new wife. Because Snow was a peasant herself, she was very merciful towards others, Fire became kinder than Snow and gave his kingdom a good name.

Later in life, Snow gave birth to me, Princess Amy Rose. Many say that with one stare, she can win the heart of any, her short pink quills resting on her shoulder and emerald green eyes cannot be resisted. It is my eighteenth birthday, this day is also on the day my parents found each-other. They would both stay together early in the morning and then spend the rest of the day with me.

"She'll have to choose, you do know that right?" Snow asks her husband. Fire picks up a small flower from the flower-bed, his hands light up, turning the flower into ashes.

"She has to choose, it's the new law." Fire agrees. Snow takes hold of his hand.

"The Kingdom of the Wind... I heard that their son is very sweet." Snow says.

"The Kingdom of the Dark, I heart that their son is smart." Fire comments. Both of the lover turn to look at each-other, knowing that they can't make up their minds. "I don't have a good relationship with the Kingdom of the Wind, I went to war with them before I met you."

"I know... But... The Kingdom of the Dark? Their people are quite desolate. You want Amy to be with the most quietest boy on Earth?" Snow questions.

"You want my daughter to marry a boy's Father who's killed many of my men?"

"I think, if you've had a terrible past with them, shouldn't you make peace with them so nothing like that happens again?" Snow says, latching onto her lover's arm. Fire's eyes burn with great hatred for the Kingdom of the Wind.

"I was thinking the Kingdom of the Wind would not threaten us if we are acquainted with the Kingdom of the Dark, those two Kingdoms do not have a better history then us. The Kingdom of the Dark has been kind to us as well..." Fire says, his mind swirling with options and what might be right or wrong.

"We should be kind to Amy, let her choose since we can't. She doesn't have to get married straight away! She still has another year, let her meet the two boys." Snow suggests. The king takes hold of his white furred wife, he smiles lightly before he kisses her.

"A wonderful idea." He says, letting go of his wife.

"Well wake her up already!" Snow giggles, lightly pushing Fire. The King makes his way to my room, finding me awake and staring out the window.

"You heard everything from there didn't you?" Fire says with a smirk.

"I woke up early..." I sigh. I turn to my Father, a bit scared.

"I know marriage isn't what you want right now but, you must. The rules have changed, it's now the law, you have to marry before the age of nineteen." Father says sternly.

"You must've been lucky, you got to get married at twenty." I say, forcing a small smile.

"It wasn't lucky that I had to fight for my people at the age of twenty." Father chuckles as he gives me a hug. We both turn to my door to see my Mother standing there.

"Other then that, it is your birthday." Snow laughs, walking over. She pinches my cheek like she would do every birthday. "Most of your friends are in the play room."

"Really? Thanks!" I say, getting changed into pants and a shirt.

"Why aren't you wearing your dress?" Mother asks.

"I want to be quick!" I yell, running out of my room. I slide down the railings next to the cobblestone stairs, I burst into the play room to see my friends. Since Mother was a peasant, she had many friends that had children, Mother decided to let me meet them, and now they're my best friends.

Blaze the cat, she's very tough and is a training soldier for my Father. Rouge the bat, she works as a part-time nurse in the village. Cream the rabbit, she works as a cleaner, she goes by houses and cleans them, even the castle. Mana the hedgehog, she runs a bakery on the edge of the village, close to the Kingdom of the Dark. Mana always tells us how she fell in love with a boy there, his name is Mephiles. Rouge tells the same story, she fell in love with a red echidna, named Knuckles. Cream would tell us how she has a crush on a engineer named Tails here. Blaze would tell lovely stories of how she has been dating a soldier named Silver the hedgehog. I would love to hear their stories, making my own make-up stories of how I would find my love.

"You're going to find someone that you'll fall in love with, it's one of the princes!" Mana yells, clapping her hands.

"What if I don't fall in love with either of them?" I sigh, fiddling with my hands.

"It's either you choose a smart yet quiet boy, or a goofy handsome one." Blaze says coldly. Rouge shrugs.

"I mean... Blaze's way of saying it is basically correct." Rouge says. Cream places her hand on mine.

"I'm sure you'll change your mind about both of them once you get to know them." Cream says positively. I nod in agreement.

"Well, I guess I'll find out tomorrow when I meet them both here." I pick myself of the ground and get everyone together for a group hug.

Even though I have to choose, at least I can get to spend time with both of them for a whole year before I get married.

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