Chapter 12 - I Can't Do This

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Small bits of sunlight shines through the holes from the curtains, I open my eyes and I find myself holding onto Shadow tightly, I remove my hands and see small scratches that I must have made. I hear the breath of Shadow land on my forehead, I look up and see dark rings under his eyes as he is fast asleep. My breath shivers as I realise that I could've annoyed Shadow the whole night, I move of the bed, gently pushing Shadow's arms off me. I walk outside his room and straight to the kitchen.

"Oh! Good morning, Miss Amy!" Cream greets with a half smile. Sally sits on the other side of the kitchen, eyeing down Cream. I tiredly walk to the cupboard and take out a bunch of ingredients for a breakfast.

"Isn't your peasant supposed to cook for you?" Sally says whilst look around the room.

"She's my best friend." I grumble. Cream's eyes soften as she goes back to sweeping the floor. "Don't call her a peasant."

"Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." She spits. I sigh, I wasn't that tired but for some reason I just got very sick of hearing her sarcastic voice. Blaze walks into the room after hearing most of what Sally says. "You're friends with a soldier too?"

"Listen up, 'Princess', I don't care if you come from a kingdom, you have no right to be rude to my friends, so, if you really don't like it here, then scatter back to your kingdom where you find everything perfect." Blaze says. Sally stares in shock and slowly turns her head to me.

"Blaze, it's fine, she just misses home, nothing wrong with that..." I yawn. Blaze sighs and smiles at Cream.

"Is your Mom better, Miss Amy?" Cream asks out of the blue. Sally's face lightens as tears form.

"She's got a virus," I explain. Cream covers her mouth as Blaze closes her eyes for a moment of silence.

"Rouge said there's some healthy bread that Mana made, it's supposed to help your system!" Cream says positively. I smile and thank her as I make eggs and bacon.

"Who's that for?" Rouge asks at the doorway of the kitchen.

"I kept Shadow up most of the night, I had a few nightmares but that's just the stress getting to me..." I say.

"What's stressing you?" Mana asks from behind Rouge. I tempted to look at Sally but I didn't want to cause trouble, I could also feel Sally staring at me from behind.

"It's just mom." I say. Mana lets out a little aw and hugs me. I surprisingly hear no sigh or grunt from Sally.

"Wait, you slept with Prince Shadow?" Cream asks. All four of my friends squeal.

"Was he dreamy?" Rouge asks. Mana instantly hits Rouge on the top of the head.

"Girls shut up, we have our own boys to worry about." Mana huffs. Blaze grins as Cream giggles a little.

"What about you Sally?" Rouge asks.

"What?" Sally stutters at the sudden question.

"Where you sleeping with Prince Sonic?" Rouge sings. Sally's face turns red as she responds with a scream.

"No!" Blaze and I laugh. I slide the food onto a plate and began to walk upstairs.

"Hopefully he'll like it." I mutter. Mana pats me on the back as she gives me a little push up the stairs. I make it to his room and I knock on the door. He answers with a grunt and I open the door. I see him looking around the room with his eyes landing on me.

"Rose?" He says tiredly but his voice still controlled.

"I see that I kept you up." I say guiltily. His eyes widen.

Shadamy vs Sonamy ~ The Fire And Ice Of A Rose (COMPLETE)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin