Chapter Thirty-four

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, I had a thought. I got up and went to their table. She was already packing her stuff and I bent down to take the baby from her. The manager was busy saying how sorry he was for the disturbance.

I frowned. "Do you have children?" I asked the manager, who was surprised at my question.

"Yes...yes...My Princess." He stuttered.

"Are they a disturbance to you?" The little boy I was carrying had kept quiet and was playing with my earrings.

"No My Princess." The manager responded, his face red up to his neck.

"Then you should understand what is going on." I admonished him. I dismissed him as Ovian came to stand beside me. Then the little boy opens his arms for Ovian to carry him. His mother gasps in surprise and I smiled up at them.

"You two look cute." I whispered.

His eyes bored into mine. "It would be cuter if he was our baby." As our eyes locked on each other, I understood perfectly what he was saying.

We decided to eat at their table and play with the boy. That was how we spent our afternoon together.

When we got home, I went straight to bed. I couldn't stop thinking about what Ovian had said. It was something that I too had been wondering for sometime now. After all these months, I expect that I should be pregnant by now. Or is there something wrong with me?

"Tania are you okay?" Ovian was standing in the bedroom doorway. I turned towards him.

"What if i can't get pregnant?" I said the first thing that came to my mind.

He quickly came to sit on my side of the bed. "Baby, don't think like that! How can you even say that?"

"It's been months! The Queen couldn't-"

"Don't even think such a thing. Don't compare yourself to her. We will have children Tania. I promise you." He held my face in his hands. "I love you very much Baby. I can't wait to have a girl that's as beautiful as you."

I smiled up at him. "Or a boy that's as handsome as you. With blue eyes and dark hair."

He grinned. "You think I'm handsome?"

She punched his arm. "Don't let it get to your head." Then I became serious again. "Ovian, I am afraid."

"About what?"

"Lahran's plan not to give his consent so I can join the Council of Seven."

Ovian sighed. "Don't worry, I am already thinking about what I can offer to placate him so he would give in. It may also require a lot of groveling from us but he will come around."

"Are you sure?"

"I am sure Baby. He may not be my brother, but I've known him since he was born. Lahran loves attention. Don't worry okay?"

I nodded. Then he kissed me deeply. 'I don't like to see you unhappy." He murmured against my mouth.

"I am happy Ovian. I mean my imagination can be wild but I never imagined this."

"Me too. Who would have thought?" We both smiled.

Then we heard a knock on the door of the sitting room. "I will get it." Ovian said as he gave me a quick kiss before leaving.

I heard a voice but couldn't discern whose they were. So I tiptoed towards the sitting room.

"Okay sir. We will get back to you with more information as it reaches us." The voice said.

"That's fine, George. Thanks for your help." Ovian responded.

"And one last thing, its imperative that you keep whatever you know or suspect to yourself. They may have ears listening in at anytime. You can't be too careful. Good day, Mr. Lancaster."

"Good day to you too George."

I stepped into the room. "Who was that?"

Ovian turned around. "A private investigator from another kingdom. I had brought him in to look for Alex when my own people were failing at finding her. He's very good and came highly recommended."

"So has he found her?"

"He just gave me some information about Alex's whereabouts. Apparently, Lahran has been moving her. He is probably afraid I will find her so he's been moving her to different hiding places. But George is sure that he will get her soon."

"What about the Queen's boyfriend?"

"That's the new assignment I have just given him. He says it's not much to go on but he will try and get back to me."

"I hope he does and quickly too. Lahran's coronation is so close."

Ovian came to pull me close to his side. "I know Baby."

Another knock sounded on the door. "Come in!" I shouted.

It was Taylor. I had forgotten that I had texted her when we came back from lunch.

Ovian smiled and kissed me on my forehead. "I will see you later." He said, nodded towards Taylor and walked out.

"What is it? Your message was very cryptic." Taylor asked frowning.

I so much wanted to tell my best friend all that has been going on but I couldn't. I couldn't risk her life like that. But I could tell her about my other problem. So I sat down on the couch and patted the seat beside me. When she sat down I said, "I think something is wrong with me."

Taylor frowned. "What?"

"I think I can't get pregnant."

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