A Gift From the Heart [Izuku x Itsuka] (Christmas Special)

Start from the beginning

"Well, last day of this job. Better give it my all." Izuku said to himself as he grabbed the usual cleaning supplies and headed to class 1-B to start his cleaning. He opened the door and walked in as usual. "What exactally have you been doing Midoriya?" "Gah!" Izuku fell back on his butt and looked to the side of the class as he saw Itsuka sitting on her desk with one leg over the other.

"Didn't expect anyone else to be here." Izuku said as to avoid conversation, but that wasn't gonna work on Itsuka. She hopped off her desk and waked up to Izuku, pinning him back against the wall with her arms to the side of him to prevent him to escape. "Why exactally are you working all these types of jobs in a hurry? Everyone is worried about you." Itsuka said as Izuku looked away, avoiding her teal eyes and with a solem face.

"It's just been how things have been for me since I was 8. It's a habbit. And besides, after I'm done with these jobs, it'll all be worth it." "What would be worth having your friends concerned about you suddenly disappearing after class." She stated as she went closer to him. Izuku finally looked into her eyes and smiled. "You'll just have to wait for tomorrow Itsuka." He said as he gently pushed her away and went on with his job.

Itsuka said nothing as she grabbed her bags and left school. Something about him just makes her heart flutter for some reason. And how he said her name, made her face bright red like a Christmas light turned on as soon as she left the classroom. 'What do you have planned for tomorrow Izuku? And...why do you make me feel this way?' She thought to herself as she boarded the train and sat down.

[Last day before Winter Break: UA]

The day had finally come. Everyone was excited and waited with upmost impatience for the day to end already. It was now the last period of the day, with Aizawa wrapping up his lesson plan. "And that concludes the Battle of Owanaru. Now, break starts today. Be sure to stay safe and complete the homework I've assigned to you. Midoriya, you can leave now." Aizawa said as Izuku nodded and headed out earlier than the others.

"Hey no fair! Why does Midoriya get to leave early?" Mina said as some of the others argued and complained the fact that their classmate left before them. "He's needed in the principal's office. Well, see you after new years students." Aizawa said as the final bell of the day rang and everyone gathered their belongings and headed to the gym.

Classes 1-A and 1-B had gotten approval to use the smaller gym and had decorated during lunch for their party. There was music, lights, food and pizza with chips and candy all around. "Man Midoriya is really missing out on this!" Kirishima said as he and a few other guys were playing basketball and volleyball with some of the girls.

"Speaking of which, why isn't he here? Ochako said as she bit into her fifth serving of pizza. "It's because we were discussing some matters that needed attending." A voice said as the students looked at the gym doors and paled at the person by the door, Nedzu the principle. He gave a light hearted chuckle at their faces.

"Now now. Normally I'd have you all clean up and punish you all. But thank Midoriya for convincing me otherwise. Speaking of which, how long do you plan to sneak in more gifts?" Nedzu yelled at the last part as the others looked at the stage seeing Izuku sighing and stood up. He was wearing black jeans with his red sneakers on and a dark red kimono jacket with a santa cap on.

"*Sigh* You had to ruin it huh? Well I was just finished now." Izuku said as he grabbed a large sack and threw it over his shoulder with one hand. He walked pass the others and headed for the doors. Turning back, he laughed a bit. "If you guys don't want your presents I can just give them to someone else."

As soon as he uttered those words, everyone began running to the stage where the tree was and grabbed their gifts with their respective names. "Woah! This is just what I wanted!" "Sweet! New headphones!" "Aww how'd he know I wanted this!?" Various cries of joy came from the others and Itsuka slowly opened hers and it revealed a sweater, one that she had her eyes on for a while and was known to be very expensive for her.

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