"are you upset with me?"

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Sadie Grace Hansen.

Zoe and Evans pride and joy. she was born after the two had been married for a year. she was a tiny baby.

she's their only child. they'd do anything for her. Sadie is the perfect mix of Zoe and Evan, she's into nature and science like her father and she's into music like her mom and plays the cello in her high school's orchestra.

Sadie is always way more like Evan than any of them would like to admit. when Sadie was around nine, they noticed that she didn't really get invited to any birthday parties or to sleepovers. as she got older, Sadie became more involved in school and never really talked about any friends. she was alone.

they had also realized early on that Sadie has severe anxiety, almost crippling like Evans was. she doesn't like to talk to new people and she avoids as much social contact outside of her family as possible.

Evan sees a lot of himself in Sadie and that scares him sometimes. but he also sees the good in his sweet little 14 year old.

Zoe and Evan knew high school would be a big change for Sadie so they kept a close eye, always making sure she was on top of things and that she was properly taking care of herself.

Sadie still felt different. she knew that the other girls didn't wanna be friends with her and that boys thought she was weird. she sat hunched in her seat in class, she often skipped lunch to go read in the library.

the only place she every really felt happy was at the orchard that was donated in honor of her uncle Connor, who she never got to meet.

she went there a lot after school to study under the trees or to just breathe in the fresh, upstate new york air.

she climbed a tree a few times, just to see how high she could get. her and her dad use to do it a lot when she was little, Zoe was always a little worried they'd fall. now when she climbed, she wondered what it would feel like to fall.

she figured after a particularly hard day that she'd go to the orchard. this group of girls had made fun of her for the way she looked again. called her nasty things.

so she climbed to the tallest tree, one her father told her never to climb and looked down. she wondered if people would miss her, if anybody would come to the funeral.

as her thoughts ran, her hand slipped and she fell crashing to the ground. she layed there for a moment, trying to figure out if she was okay but as she moved she couldn't lift her left arm. she groaned, knowing that it was most likely broken.

she stayed like that on the ground for a few minutes until a park worker found her and called an ambulance.

Zoe and Evan were sitting at home chatting about their days when the phone rang,

Evan picked up, "hello? Hansen residence."

Zoe watched as her husbands face showed many emotions before he said thank you and hung up,

"what's wrong?" she asked

"Sadie is in the er, she got hurt at the orchard they need us there right now."

Evan and Zoe practically sped to the hospital, hoping that Sadie wasn't...they didn't wanna think about that.

"hi, um we're looking for our daughter Sadie Hansen, we got a call that she was brought here."

a nurse directed them to a room where Sadie was. when they rushed in, there was a doctor sitting at the opposite side of the room while Sadie layed on the bed with a fiberglass cast on her left arm.

"oh Sadie! baby are you okay?!" Zoe frantically asked as she checked her over

Evan stood back, fear wracked his mind.

"the good news is that it's just a fractured wrist, nothing more. bad news is that Sadie here has to wear this cast for 6 weeks."

as they finished up with the doctor, Evan noticed the look on Sadie's face. he didn't ask her until they got home. the all went into Sadie's room as they sat on the bed.

"what happened today Sadie?" Zoe asked

she took a deep breath, "well i wanted to climb another tree and there was this really y'all one so you know, i climbed it. when i got up i looked down and saw how high up i was, i got scared and i guess i fell." she looked down at her new cast

"Sadie...did you fall, or did you let go?" Evan waited with baited breath for the answer

Sadie started to cry, sobs wracked her tiny body as Zoe pulled her close.

"i didn't mean to daddy. i'm just so alone, i don't wanna be alone anymore! are you upset with me?"

Evan felt tears come to his eyes, "no baby, i'm not upset with you. i'm worries though i'm very, very worried. i don't want you to feel like this. i felt like this at one point and it was horrible, then i got your mom, then i lost her, and then i got her back and now, we have you."

"you're the most important thing in our lives sweetie. if we lost you i don't know what we'd do." Zoe said as she wiped her daughters tears.

"i'm sorry."

"it'll be okay Sadie we'll get through this, you know why?" Evan asked as Sadie looked up at him


"because, dear Sadie Hansen, today is going to be a good day and here's why because today, you're you and that's enough."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2017 ⏰

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