"you owe me"

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damn jared.

he always got in the way of things in Evan and Zoe's relationship. if they were walking together, holding hands Jared would break them apart and walk between them. stuff like that.

Evan and Zoe had gone out to dinner, and were now back at their apartment snuggling on the couch. Evan had his arms around Zoe and was leaving light kisses along her face.

"i'm gonna miss days like this once we get married and start a family." Zoe states as Evan runs his hand through her hair

"well for right now, it's only us." Evan kissed Zoe lightly

what started out as light kisses lead to an intense make out on the living room couch. articles of clothes were coming off, Evan wrapped Zoe around his waist and carried her to their bedroom.

he lays her down on the bed, more kisses ensue as Zoe giggles. Evans phone started to ring,

"baby, your phone." Zoe spoke

"it's fine, let it ring." Evan kissed down her neck

the couple continued to ignore the ringing phone until it continued for a few minutes. Evan groaned as he reached over to his side table to grab the phone.

"what?!" he groaned

Zoe could see the anger and confusion on his face,

"well how'd you get there in the first place?...are you sure nobody else can come get you?...what?!...Jared no! that's none of your business!...fine whatever." he hung up and looked down at his fiancé

Zoe put her hands on his chest, "Jared's in trouble again?"

"yup, let's go save him. i'm sorry Zo."

Zoe groaned as she got off the bed and put her clothes back on, "i hate that little man." she mumbled

the car ride to the bar was short and filled with holding hands between the young couple. when they reached the bar, Jared was standing outside.

he climbed in the backseat of the car, "what's up love birds?! sorry i interrupted your love making." Jared slurred

"Jared, just shut up." Evan said, anger dripping from the tone of his voice

"esh, looks like i caught you in a bad mood."

Zoe turned around, "well when a couple is trying to have a nice night together and show each other how much they love one another, it's nice not to be interrupted!"

Evan reached over and put his hand on her thigh. after she calmed down a little, she turned back around to face him,

"you owe me."

"big time." Evan added

dear evan hansen zoevan one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora