"i cant belive you dont like disney movies"

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Zoe was blown away. she had never met someone who didn't like disney movies before. let alone, she didn't know her boyfriend didn't like them.

"i can't believe you don't like disney movies!"

"it's not that i don't like them it's just that i never really got to watch movies as a kid so i didn't go through the whole disney phase of my life." Evan said,

the two teens were sitting on each end of the couch, cross legged and facing each other. it was a snow day and it was snowing outside, they had hot cocoa in mugs on the coffee table in front of them and the had piles of blankets on top of them.

Zoe wanted to watch a movie as picked a disney one as Evan said he had never seen them before.

"i am going to educate you on disney movies right now. it's a movie-cation." Zoe said as she pulled out the stacks of disney movies from the bookshelf in the living room

"how about we start with a classic, my favorite disney princess is Belle so we will start with beauty&the beast."

once Zoe returned to the couch, Evan put his arm around her as the movie started,

"so does everyone just wake up and sing about this boring town everyday?" Evan was confused throughout the plot of the movie, not understanding why each character did what they did.

once it got to the transformation scene and the credits started rolling, Evan said he enjoyed it but he still wasn't sold on disney.

Zoe was about to pick another movie when Connor came downstairs, "what's up losers."

he plopped himself on the chair next to the couch before asking what they were doing, "you mean to say that little boy Hansen here has never seen a disney movie? put on some pixar next."

Connor's favorite disney pixar movie was The Incredibles so Zoe put that on next.

this one Evan seemed to get more of, he through it was funny and enjoyed it. they spent the day going through all the classics and a few new ones, Frozen, Monsters Inc, Toy Story, Moana, Cinderella (all three of them), they watched every princess movie and every pixar movie they had. they managed to squeeze in some disney channel movies as well before Cynthia came home to find Connor passed out in the chair and Evan and Zoe pulled up together on the couch.

"ah the love of disney."

GUYS ITS NOVEMBER 19TH😭 that means it's Ben's last show ever playing Evan Hansen today  i was fortunate enough to go see the show in august as my birthday present, Ben was on vocal rest at the time but it was still the greatest day of my life. this show means so much to me. i struggle and have been for the past 5 or so years with anxiety, depression, and mental illness so having a show where two of the main characters struggle with that was groundbreaking to me. also i no longer have my father in my life just like Evan so seeing that connection between Evan and Heidi just like me and my mom was amazing since i was close with mine like Evan was and having to adjust to change is hard. this show actually saved me, it saved my life to know that people are out there that are like me and that they know what it's like. to have Ben portray a role that demands so much emotion through all the breakdowns was amazing to see, although i saw Colton do it both have blown my mind at how amazingly they conveyed every emotion through the breakdowns (Words Fail) that i have with my own breakdowns. getting to watch what that's like from the eyes of someone who goes through that is outstanding and heartbreaking and groundbreaking and eye opening all at once. i've never seen what it's like to have one before through my eyes but knowing what it feels like and getting to watch it for myself was life changing, i cried watching it because it made me feel so many emotions of what it's like to go through that. anyway i'm emo af about him leaving and i'm sad and just wanna cry. i'm wearing all my DEH merch today to support Ben and playing the cast album all day so i'm gonna go cry.

i love you all and always remember that you are not alone and you will be found💙

all i see is sky for forever☀️☁️

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