"what if i told you ive been in love with you since we were kids."

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"hey mom! Evans here!" Connor yelled as he and his best friend of 13 years walked in the door of the Murphy house

"oh hello Evan! how are you dear?" Cynthia Murphy asked, coming out from the kitchen

"i'm good Cynthia thank you! where is everybody?"

"ah well Larry is stuck at work and Zoe is in her room doing homework!"

the boys went upstairs to Connors room,

"hey do think we should ask Zoe to hang with us?" Evan asked his best friend

"seriously Evan? do you still have that goofy crush on my little sister?"

Evan turned bright red as his best friend stared him down

"no i just figured she would wanna watch the movie with us." he lied

"whatever." Connor said as he searched for a good movie to watch

Evan went across the hall to Zoe's room and knocked on the open door. she looked up at Evan,

"hey Ev!" she said sweetly

"hi Zo, Connor and i wanted to know if you wanted to watch a movie with us?"

"you mean that you wanted to know and Connor argued till he couldn't?" Zoe and Evan laughed

"sure i'll be right down." she said, putting away her books.

the three teens migrated downstairs to the basement. they decided to watch some comedy that they've seen a thousand times. Cynthia left to go meet up with Larry for dinner and left pizza money for the kids.

after the three had eaten almost an entire pizza and we're halfway through the first harry potter movie, both Zoe and Evans choice, Connor was asleep in the chair in the corner of the room.

Evan was leaning against the arm of the couch with Zoe sprawled out on top of him. the two teens had always been close, everyone saw them as siblings, another brother figure to the teen girl. but the people who knew them closely saw that there was nothing sibling like between the two teens.

the two were watching the movie but not really paying attention as Evan was running his fingers through Zoe's hair and she was playing with the collar of his shirt, "Evan?"

"yeah Zo?" he asked, straining his neck to look at her

she hesitated, "in not like your sister am i?"

"well i've basically known you your entire life so i guess in someways you are."

she looked disappointed.

"why do you ask Zo?"

she hesitated again, a little longer this time.

"what if i told you i've been in love with you since we were kids."

Evan paused, unsure of what to say next. of course he had feelings for the shy 17 year old girl, he remembered when he first started to think of her as more than Connors little sister. they were in the 9th grade and Zoe had just started the 8th grade. she had dyed indigo streaks into her hair and Evan thought she looked so beautiful. that's also when she started dressing more mature and wearing makeup, even though he thought she looked beautiful without all that stuff.

"Zoe, you're Connors little sister, my best friends little sister!" he said, sitting up forcing her to move of him

"i know but i don't want to hide it anymore Evan, i love you and i have for a long time. there's nobody else i wanna be with."

"but what about Connor?"

Evan didn't wanna hurt his best friend

"he'll be okay, i wanna be with you Evan." she leaned in closer to him

it took a minute but finally their lips met and it was everything Evan could've wished for. he was kissing Zoe Murphy, his crush since freshman year!

he had pulled Zoe flush against him so that she was in his lap as they continued to kiss.

"well it's about god damn time!"

the two teens broke apart, red faced and embarrassed.

"good for you Hansen you finally kissed my sister." Connor said as he started to walk upstairs

"don't worry you have my blessing, just don't do anything god wouldn't approve of." Connor said half jokingly

the two teens awkwardly laughed,

"i love you Zoe Murphy."

"i love you Evan Hansen."

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