Kingdom Of The Nanosaurs - chapter 23

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“This world has been bathed in a galactic beam for most of its existence. That beam has allowed life in all its diversity to grow and prosper.”

“The Harooa Wave,” said Morgan. “So when this Wave moves away that’s when the Shadix will attack the Earth. Up to now they have occupied only one person, Marius Natzler, and used my dad’s nanotechnology breakthrough along with some kind of alien magic, as Lin would call it, to create nanosaurs. So Natzler has known all along that the animal kingdom would vanish but he couldn’t have guessed that the Cosmic Algorithm would appear inside my mind.”

“Absolutely correct, Morgan,” said Tom. “And Winston is part of this guided by the magical creature Animus. But each of us in this room is here to help and support you, Morgan, on your quest to return the Cosmic Algorithm to the Continuum, the constant now. Everything is part of the Continuum; spirit forms and angels, gods and devils, flesh and blood beings whether human or not. It includes the Shadix and the dark ones that live in terror of the light. In terms you might understand, the Continuum is consciousness itself. Individual lives, such as yours in this room, are all part of one consciousness.”

Lin piped up excitedly. “Only the ego makes us think we are individuals. Well, we are, sort of, but not really.”

“Yes,” said Tom. “All life is recycled into other life forms, whether built of gross matter like human beings or of finer particles, such as spirit forms and angels. But, human beings stand on the edge of extinction. Millennia from now they will be nothing more than a cosmic folk tale or myth told by other travellers in time and space when they speak of civilizations that may once have existed.”

Morgan could feel a cold chill running through him as he contemplated Tom’s words. They had the ring of truth about them. No matter how important human beings thought they were the essence of it was that they were transient; just another life form evolving and dying in an endless pattern – like the tides ebbing and flowing. He shivered. He didn’t want to think these thoughts. These were not the thoughts of a fifteen year old. Why couldn’t he just play football and write stupid poetry and have fun with his friends? Why did he have to be the one to carry the Cosmic Algorithm? Tom seemed to read his mind.

“In the year that has passed, the name of Winston the missing link has become sanctified, spoken of in soft whispers in darkened rooms. The words of his message that day started a fire of its own that no power has been able to extinguish. Winston now represents the world as it should be; a world in perfect balance. But it is you, Morgan, who have become the most wanted person in the New World Order. You are seen as the ringleader, the mastermind behind the Vanishing, the one who holds the secret that will return the world to normality all because of your extraordinary memory and what it holds.”

“So, where exactly are the Guardians?” asked Morgan. “Where do we find them?”

“They inhabit a breath propelled omniverse transporter inside Mount Everest. They have been seen on Earth but they appear as creatures that have come to be known as Yeti.”

“Mount Everest,” exclaimed Morgan. “That’s why the mountain was the centre of the Vanishing?”

The children and Winston were quiet as they contemplated the big picture Tom was painting.

Morgan asked Tom the question that had burned in his mind since the day of the comet. “What exactly is the Cosmic Algorithm?”

He answered. “It is a timeless configuration or mathematical key that can reprogram the master files of the Continuum; the imprinted creation code, to use descriptions you will be familiar with. So, our mission is to locate the Guardians. They will direct us to the dangerous and narrow space-time pathways that will take us to a world that exists in a time zone parallel to ours. It is here, Morgan that you must seek out the Oracle, gatekeeper of the abyss. No one has ever entered the abyss. You must allow the algorithm to lead you and return to its rightful place in the constant now.”

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