Chapter 1: The Search

Start from the beginning

"Caius, wait." Lilith says catching me before I ran off.

"Hmm? What is it?" I asked curiously.

"Is, he gone?" Lilith asked concerned.

"No, our leader isn't gone, he's just relocated for the time being." I said catching on to what she was saying. "If he did, I would be in the same position as he would." This apparently provided the comfort they needed. "Now come, we need to find Celebi." We walked through the forest, taking it easy. None of us were really in the mood for running in this atmosphere.

"So, where is our leader relocating to?" Sarah asked.

"He's moving back to the capitol as we speak, he has business to attend there, as to what it is, your guess is as good as mine." I said looking into the forest. "I've already told you everything I know, so let's keep moving, this topic is not healthy for us."

"Alright, it's just, nothing about this settles with me." Sarah said uncomfortably.

"You and me both," I said calmly, "I have to be more careful with what I do from now on. I just hope that our leader will do the same."

"I'm surprised Caius," Kathrin said, "you're his closest general and yet you make it sound like he's going to go on a suicide mission." I thought about this for a second, then chuckled a little bit.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, I should know better than to doubt that he would go through something like that." I said. Just then, I heard a snap. I stopped in my tracks, looking around. Everyone else stopped as well, but I don't know if they heard it.

"Something wrong?" Carinthia questioned. I stayed silent for a couple of seconds, I didn't hear anything else.

"No," I said calmly, "it must've been just my imagination." We continued on through the forest, hoping that we could reach this village within a few minutes. As we continued on, I heard another snap, this time, the others heard it as well.

"What was that?" Lilith asked looking around.

"So, it wasn't my imagination." I said unclipping my scythe. Probably some bandits who thought they could pick on some travelers. Little would they know who they were up against. We stood on our guard, trying to find out where the noise came from.

"Come on out!" Sarah said looking around. There was a silence in the air. We couldn't see anything. Suddenly something came out of the tree above us, its hand ready to strike. We dodged the attack and the attacker plunged its fist into the ground, creating a small hole in the ground. As we dodged the attack, more figures showed up all around us. This was a trap! How did they know we were coming? The figure that attacked us jumped back to its allies, providing strength in numbers.

"Who are you?" I demanded.

"Silence!" One of them barked out. "You have no authority here."

"And what makes you say that?!" Carinthia said sharply.

"Silence! You will not be taking our village this day, or ever!" The voice boomed back.

"By the order of the Five Generals of Karma, I order you all to stand down!" I barked. The statement caused a commotion to come over the group. I guess they were setting this trap for someone else.

"What is your name?" A voice asked.

"I am Caius, Fourth General of Karma." I replied. My name caused even more commotion then my previous statement.

"Let me through." A voice uttered. The group cleared a way to show a Weavile walking towards us. "I'm terribly sorry," the Weavile declared, "we have received word from our scouts that the enemy is to soon attack our village. Everyone, stand down, these are allies, not enemies." With that, the group lowered their fists and dropped their attacks. This was a bit different than what I'm used to. "My name is Clark." The Weavile introduced. "I am the leader of the trap that was supposed to be for the enemy."

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