Chapter 2; On Behalf

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A/N: 2nd chapter, yay! :) 

Read and lemme know what chu think! Vote, comment, or something, hihi. 

--Bianca x

They nodded slightly, and took careful steps into my home. All of them looked around pretty impressed with the decor and furniture in the house. 

“Please, make yourself at home.” I say politely, gesturing them to the seats by the counter in our kitchen. They smiled and sat down. The blonde one twirled around in his seat saying, “Look, Louis! I’m a figure skater!” with a very genuine Irish accent. 

“Stop it, Niall!” he replied, speaking softly, shooting a look making him stop. 

I raised my eyebrow at them, looking confused. They all looked at me, then to each other, wondering who should start with the conversation. 

After a few minutes, everyone just looked at me and stayed quiet. To break the awkward silence, I spoke. 

“Would you like some dinner? I ordered some Papa John’s, and I can cook some more if it’s not enough.” I said, smiling at the blonde boy, whose eyes lit up the second I mentioned dinner. What was his name? Niall, was it? 

The other three looked at one other, shy and unsure if they should accept the offer or not. “You know what, maybe we could discuss... this ‘matter’ over dinner. How does that sound?” I ask, smiling warmly. 

They nodded slowly, smiling as if they were mesmerized. Which confused me a tad bit. “Great.” I let out, walking over to the cabinets, pulling out ingredients for pasta carbonara. Ah, my favorite pasta to make and eat. 

I took a pot and filled it with water before laying it on the stove, ripping open the pack of stiff pasta, and placing the whole lot into the pot. I flipped the stove on, heating the pot. 

“So...” I asked awkwardly, leaning on the counter across them. 

“I’m Niall!” the blonde one introduced, flashing me a wide grin and waving at me. “Hello, Niall.” I said, returning the smile. Sweet boy he was, for sure. “I’m Aiden. And I’m terribly sorry that I don’t know the rest of your names.” I say, giving myself a facepalm before checking on the pasta, and walking back to the counter, taking a seat in front of them.

It was as if I was an interrogator, investigating a couple of criminals. 

Seriously, if you saw the whole lighting and the way we were sitting, you’d think that I was a police officer, and they were criminals. 

...No? Okay. What is with me and my weird imagination? 

“I’m Louis.” the boy with stripes said.

“I’m Liam.” Bieber. That’s what he looks like with his hair. 

“And I’m Harry.” said the curly haired one who attempted to save me earlier from Zayn. 

“Cool.” I say, smiling as I brought out the portable stove we had, and plugging it in, so that I could just make the sauce in front of them so that I could maybe converse with these boys. I didn’t know much about them. Except that they’re some boy band called “One Direction” that was forced to go to school. 

Mouse explained most of it during our lunch together. Their manager put them in school since their tour was on break, and they needed to be educated properly. All of them didn’t have to wear the uniform, but of course if they wanted to, they were more than welcome to. I also know that they sang that “You’re Insecure” song. Besides that, they were strangers in my house. 

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