Chapter 8: Réna Rougé

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"Not on my watch!" A girl said.

Everyone looked at the bright figure.

The Fox-like heroine zapped dark shadow out of the way, causing the roof to drop back down. She landed in front of everyone. A white spot covered the middle part of the heroine's orange suit. Her hands and feet were black. She had an orange tail with white on the end. Her orange and white ears poked out from the top of her head.

"Rena Rouge. Nice of to to drop in." Master Fu said.

"My pleasure, Master." Rena Rouge said. Her eyes landed on Marinette. "MARINETTE!!" She tackled Marinette. "Its so good to see you again!"

"Um... do I know you?" Marinette asked.

"Is it okay, master?" Rena rouge asked.

"Yes. It's ok." Master Fu said.

"Its me! Alya!" Rena Rouge claimed.

"Wow! Really?! Awesome!" Marinette chimed. They hugged.

"While you were gone, master Fu asked me if I can protect the city." Rena said.

"Yes. And now you have two times more power." Master Fu said.

"That will come in Handy when we are trying to get Tikki back." Marinette said.

"Don't worry, Marinette. We'll get Tikki back and we'll defeat Dark Shadow." Rena said.

"Ok. Chat Noir, Queen Bee and Rena Rouge will go after Dark Shadow and get back the lady bug earings. Marinette will stay here." Master Fu said.

"Master, can I go talk to Nathaniel? We left him at his house with three kids and confused." Marinette said.

"Of course, Marinette. Just try and stay out of sight." Master Fu said. Marinette nodded and the plan went into action.

--With Marinette--

She finally reached her sister's house. She rang the doorbell multiple times until Nathaniel opened the door.

"Marinette! I'm so glad you're here!" He claimed.

"Where's Emma and Hugo?" She asked.

"They're playing with Nathan in his room. But what happened earlier?" Nathaniel let Marinette in. She sat down on a couch and began.

--ten minutes later--

"...and that's why I had to trust you with Emma and Hugo." Marinette said.


"I need you to promise to not tell anyone please." Marinette said.

"I won't." Nathaniel promised.

--With the superheroes--

Two hours later...

Chat Noir, Queen Bee and Rena Rouge stood breathlessly in front of Dark Shadow, who was now tied up to a pole.

They tried so hard, but they've finally retrieved the Ladybug earings.

"This isn't the last of me." Dark Shadow said.

The three went back to the workshop, to see Master Fu, Marinette, Nathaniel, Hugo, Emma and Nathan.

"Master! We  got the earrings!" Chat Noir claimed.

"Excellent! Now this was your final task as Chat Noir and Rena Rouge." Master Fu said. They both looked confused. "I have given New powers to Queen Bee and Ladybug. Both of them have an equal part to give. I suggest only Queen Bee and Ladybug go out to defeat Dark Shadow." Master Fu said.

"It all comes down to this..."

And sorry again! I accidentally uninstalled watpadd and stuff and blah. Happy New year! I know it's late but I don't care.

I hope you didn't think I'm dead.



There will be one more chapter to this book and it will be out sometime this week. So I guess I'll see you soon?


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