Chapter 3: making it official

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After Tikki and Plagg got their energy back, Marinette and Adrien transformed. They went where there were almost all of Paris: the Eiffel tower.

"Can I have everyone's attention please?" Ladybug yelled.

She saw Alya in the crowd. She had her phone out, ready to record.

"Yes, Chat Noir and I are married, bu-" before she could finish, Paris went crazy. The cheered so loud.


"Um... " Ladybug blinks. "But we don't have a child."

"Yet! Not yet!" Someone else said.

Ladybug looked at the crowd. She saw something moving.

Then something shiny.

"Hey!" Ladybug said. She jumped down and head for the figure.

The black shadow started running.

"My necklace! It's gone!" A blonde lady exclaimed.

"That dude must have took it!" Chat Noir said, jumping down.

"Dont worry ma'am. We'll get your necklace back." Ladybug said as they jumped away to follow the shadow.

Ladybug and Chat Noir jumped down from a rooftop. Ladybug used her yoyo to pull him back.

But the unthinkable happened.

The yoyo broke.

Ladybug didn't see it. She just saw that he was running away. She retracted her yoyo.

"It... broke?" Ladybug asked, as she saw nothing at the end of the string.

"But... that's impossible! It's indestructible." Chat said.

"Who is this guy?"

They ran after him. The next thing they knew, a golden disc came flying towards them.

"DUCK!" Ladybug yelled.

"What? Duck? Where?" Chat Noir asked.

"Chat!" Ladybug exclaimed before pushing him out of the way.

The disc flew towards a building. When it touched, it blew up the building.

"" Chat said.

"Wait... he's just a normal person. There's no mask or he's not wearing any villain clothes..." Ladybug said.

"But how does he have a disc that can explode things?"

With the dark figure..

"I think I lost them." The man said, running in an alleyway. "I may did it in front of the miraculous heroes, but it was worth getting this diamond necklace."

"Well hello there."

"Who said that?" The man asked, looking around.

"I'll take that!" Chat said, dropping in to get the necklace.


Chat left.

"Ugh...stupid cat..." the man muttured.

"I see you hate the miraculous heroes," Someone said, coming out of the shadows. "I too hate them. I also see you have some weapons of your own."

"Who... who are you?"

"I am Hawkmoth. I find your powers are amazing."

"But... I'm just a scientist. I gave up everything I had to make power so I won't be made fun of. Now everyone are making fun of me even more. That's why I stole the diamond necklace. I want to prove everyone wrong of what my powers can give."

Ladybug showed up around the corner. She didn't attack. She listened to their conversation.

"Ah... clever man. I find you quite interesting."

"...let's team up. You help me rule my country, and I give you... um... oh! Those heroes' jewels. Deal?"

"Huh. You are more smarter than you look. You know exactly what I want. Deal."

The two men shook hands.

Ladybug covered her mouth in shock.

"You are given the named Dark Shadow. I gave you an upgrade to you interesting power. The way to rule your country is to get the heroes' jewels. So the ring and earings are the main item to get for now. Go get the ring and earings. You will have until the end of next month."

"You got it, partner."

Ladybug left.

With Ladybug..

"Adrien!" Ladybug called.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"We have to go to master Fu."

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