coralei's 2nd birthday

Start from the beginning

*Coralei's outfit*

Will finishes up getting Coralei ready and kisses her cheek.

"Go ahead and see Papi!" Will says as Coralei leaves the the kid's bathroom.

"What's today, Coralei?" RJ asks Coralei as he sits on the floor.

"It's my birfday party!" Coralei says as she jumps up and down.

"It is your birthday! You are getting so big! How old are you now?" RJ asks Coralei.

"I two!" Coralei says holding up two fingers.

"You are getting so big, I can't believe it." Will says as he kisses RJ.

Benji and Theodore walk over to where RJ and Will are

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Benji and Theodore walk over to where RJ and Will are.

"Bubba! Hug!" Coralei says hugging Benji tightly.

"Happy birthday, Coralei! I love you so much!" Benji says as he kisses her cheek.

"Baaaa!" Theodore says as Coralei hugs her baby brother.

"Let me take a picture of all of you. Say cheese!" Will says to the kids.

"Cheese!" Benji and Coralei say in unison and Theodore babbles showing his two teeth.

RJ's mom Martha, dad Ricardo, brother Ryan and his brother's girlfriend arrive!

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RJ's mom Martha, dad Ricardo, brother Ryan and his brother's girlfriend arrive!

"Hey mom and dad! Hey little bro!" RJ says as he and Theodore let the Aguiars in.

"Theodore! Hi!" Martha says as she holds Theodore, kissing his cheek.

"Nice party! Looks like a lot of fun!" Ricardo says to RJ.

"Will and I have been working our butts off! We will do anything for our kids." RJ says to his dad.

"I love Minnie Mouse! This party is gonna be so much fun!" Brandi says smiling ear to ear.

"Theodore looks just like you! My goodness!" Brandi says as she smiles at Theodore and he smiles at her.

"Pipo! Mima!" Benji says running over to the Aguiars.

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