The whole way to Julian's daycare I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. The man scared the living hell out of me. Why was he just sitting there? Was he waiting for someone else or me? He was probably just some creep I'd have to keep an eye out for. Or maybe just some guy waiting on someone to come down, he probably just wanted to fuck with me. Scare me a little, get his rocks off or something. My street wasn't exactly the best street to live on though. I'd make certain to locked all the doors and windows when I got home. I checked the clock on the dashboard when I pulled up outside of the cute little daycare I had recently found and checked out like an FBI agent.

The day drug by after dropping Julian off at daycare and going to work, it seemed like it was going damn slow, anyways. But it was already almost over. Just about two hours left before it was quitting time. Maybe it seemed to have gone so slowly  because I still couldn't get Dantè off my mind, not long enough to really concentrate anyways. I kept getting the  feeling he was still here in the states. And for some deeper reason that hurt to think about. My insecurities pissed me off just as much as being ignored. But damnit I deserved to know if he was just blowing me off or not. You can't just give a person a non-detailed excuse like he had and leave them hanging like that. Closure and all that bullshit, right?

The more I thought about it the more it all pissed me off. And before I knew it I was telling my boss that I was done for the day and walking out. It storming out if you will. Thankfully I didn't have anymore clients for the day, and it wasn't like we really took walkins anyhow. The decision to leave Julian at daycare was easy seeing as I still had two hours before I even had to pick him up. The drive was short, effortless even. I seriously had no clue how I had gotten here safely, I didn't  think I was really paying attention not once on the whole drive here. My mind was in shambles, I was pissed and actually hoping for a confrontation. That is if he was really still here, my gut was telling me he was and that this was all just an easy way out for him. Get her into bed, make an excuse to never see her again. Isn't that what guys normally did nowadays? It's what I was used to hearing about on Facebook from all my single female aquatintists.

My hands were in fists by the time I was out of my car and at the locked front door of his building, and shit I didn't have a code to get inside. Holy hell I should have thought this through a little better, I checked both sides of the doors noticing the tenant buzzers. I saw that he was apartment 204 just the written letters of his name bringing butterflies to my tummy. Which, naturally just pissed me off to new heights. But I didn't want to buzz myself in. Just Incase he really was trying to swerve me. I'd have to wait for someone to, "Ope, hold that door for me please?"

"Sure thing, young lady. Forget your key?" An elder man holding my ticket to heaven or hell -who really knows?- open.

I stumbled around as I caught the door, "Ah, boyfriends place, wanted to surprise him. Thank you!"

His smile was big and all knowing the fine wrinkles under his eyes and around his mouth crinkling. He nodded, but I'm sure what he thought was about to happen was all sorts of wrong. The elevator wasn't far from the entrance door, and it wasn't hard to spot either. I quickly ran over and hit the second floor button.

My heart was racing, beating a stucco tattoo inside its cage. Feeling like it was going to burst out. My breath coming out in pants like I'd just run a marathon, and both hands were in fists now. The bell rang, indicate I was at my intended floor, I stormed out. Just four doors away from the first was his apartment. But then I noticed this there wasn't anymore doors after this. Just those three down the hall and nothing more after. I rose my hand to knock or bang on the door, but froze when I heard a soft woman's voice, I couldn't hear well enough to know what was said, but it was definitely a woman's voice, and my heart sank into my gut. Tears threatened to spill over the warrior lids that desperately tried to hold them in.  I couldn't help but to think about how much of a mistake it was coming here. No matter how much it hurt knowing there was another woman in his apartment after weeks of ignoring my calls or texts he had every right to do this. I hadn't tied him down, he wasn't my boyfriend. We weren't exclusive. I was in the wrong for showing up at his doorstep like he owed me something. But a couple dates and a couple good shags didn't really prove much did it?

My arm fell to my side, the tears still threatening to overflow, but I didn't dare blink them out. They needed to stay put, because I had no right to be hurt, had no right to be sobbing over someone I hadn't wanted to grow feelings for in the first damn place. I turned and headed for the elevator, wiping at my dry under-eyes just to be safe nothing as spilled over. My heart felt sluggish in my chest. Like a bullet was slowly gliding through it, destroying everything in its path, and how pathetic was that?


Thanks for everyones patience. Raising a family keeps me on my toes and super busy. It's hard for me to write as much as I'd like. Also, sorry for the cliffhanger, but the next chapter is sooo gonna be good. 😍😍
Vote, comment, follow. Hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Ps, not edited. So let me know if you find any mistakes I need to fix! TIA.

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