Sabo x Reader (lemon)

Start from the beginning

A tap on your should pulled you from your thoughts to the smile of Koala, "oh, hello Koala." You smile back at the girl.

"Sorry about the mission back there." She spoke in awkwardness, she then continues "he has a bad habit of that trust me. It's once he has his sights on something you know? He can be selfish like that sometimes" she was offering up an apology to you, smiling back at her you took it.

"I get it, when you see an opportunity you take it." You reply back, looking at her you thought it was sweet that she's at least offer an apology.

"I did scold him for that too, as usual" you giggle as she mutter the last part out in obvious annoyance.  Looking back over your eyes thought for a second that his were on you but as you found him in the crowd he was in mid conversation with Hack. Why the hell couldn't your shake this feeling for him?

Thinking back to that first mission you realized Koala was right, he had a bad habit of cutting calls short when he already had a plan, or  his sights were already set on the objective. That would be the days where no one could reach him, as he had a tendency to break off from the others. You and koala because fast friends too after that. you tired to keep your feelings for Sabo under wraps especially around her, you just didn't want it getting back to him. God forbid that would happen, he already ignored your existence.

There was one time were you overheard a conversation you were absolutely sure you shouldn't of, but you couldn't help it. His voice was almost desperate as he spoke, "she's perfect Koala. Never would I think I'd meet someone like her." Your heart was shattered. You knew this would happen and yet here you were trying to hold back the sob of realization you could never even dream to have him. He doesn't even see you in his world.

That night you didn't sleep just stare up at the ceiling above. Chanting over and over how you were gonna trash the feelings you had for Sabo. You were foolish for falling for a man who ignored your every attempt at a conversation, every bit of information you had to give when assigned to his team. You wanted the words to work like a mantra in your head, forceing the feelings away.

However the next time you saw him he had returned from Dressrosa with the team, as well as some new abilities and the smiling face he had on was almost contagious as he slope to friends about being able to see his brother again. The happiness you felt for him as you watch him celebrate was not what you needed. The feelings you held for him deepened, it left you feeling like you couldn't breathe. Seeing him smile like that made him look more attractive than ever before, you wanted to make him happy like that. As selfish as that felt you really wished it was you he was happy about having. Suddenly arms wrapped around you as koala came in for a hug, squeezing you tightly.

" ugh I'm glad to be home! I mean mission was completed but I missed you too (y/n)" you laughed out at her.

"Yeah I'm sure you did," smiling you joke with her. "I'm happy everyone returned back safely. But I'm gonna head to bed, I have a mission tomorrow and I want to go over a few things first." You wave at her as you left the main area, you've learned you lesson to not wait around on Sabo, after numbered attempts to get his attention, all ended in failure. 

That was a few months ago. You were tired of it, tried of being ignored.

Heading out to the lunch hall for breakfast you spot koala in line already, and bonus she wasn't with Sabo. You quickly made your way to her picking up a few breakfast items along the way, to snack on. "Morning (y/n)!" She greeted happily to you. The past two years really getting your friendship to blossom becoming very close friends. However you'd never ask about Sabo to her. Taking a seat at a table you both began to catch up. However your interrupted as the seat across from you was pulled out and down sat a figure you spoke to a few times as well.

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