I slouched back on the couch ready to tell them about the awkward situation I had encountered with him this morning.

"I am dying with embarrassment. After last night, I was a bit drunk and I ended up sharing a bed with Zach for the night." I tell her.

"OMG, please tell me you had sex." She squeales.

"NO, eww, don't wanna go around catching an STD." I erase the dirty thoughts from her mind.

"So, what's wrong then?" She asks.

To be sure, I don't think anything was wrong, except from the fact that apart from Mia, my family members and my ex boyfriend, I haven't shared a bed with anyone else.

"Nothing really, I think." I say with uncertainty.

From the corner of my eye I saw Zach heading towards our direction so I attempt to disappear but unfortunately I'm not a magician.

"Hey Andrea, how come you didn't ride with me to school? I was completely heartbroken." He says mockingly placing his hand over his heart.

"Oh, Shut up." I say playfully and I whack his arm not so playfully.

The bell had rang motioning all the students to make their way to registration.

"See ya later, Andrea." He winks at me.

"In a while, rubbish pile." I try to rhyme, but it wasn't as good as Zach's.

"Is that the best you got?" He laughs.

"Kinda." I shrug and we both make our way to class.


Classes had flew by and there was only one period left.

I was in D&T when the speakers went off indicating we had an announcement.

"Can Andrea Parks and Zach Cowen both make their way to the Headmaster's office. That's Andrea Parks and Zach Cowen. Thank You."

Immediately everyone's heads turns towards me and the whispering began.

"What do you think she did?"

"Maybe she got caught from the party"

"I think she might get expelled"

These were all the phrases I heard as I made my way out of class.

As I walked towards the headmaster's office, I began to think, why would Zach and I both get called?

As I entered the owaoting room, Zach was already seated on one of the couches in the waiting room.

"Welcome Andrea, take a seat." Dean Briggs said motioning towards the seat next to Zach.

"Its Andy." I reply bluntly, taking a seat.

"I bet you're wondering why I've called the pair of you here?" He questions.

"No shit Sherlock."I mutter under my breath, not loud enough for Dean Briggs to hear.

"Well, you guys are the top two students in science, so I have chosen the both of you to run science camp this year." He replies enthusiastically waiting for a reaction.

The Bad Boys Little TomboyWhere stories live. Discover now