"You'll only continue to get better as time goes by." He stated. I wished that was true not only in the game but outside of it aswell. We heard Sora outside and I looked up to him.

"You kids can go." He said looking at me and then the others. I chuckled as I saw the look on some of their faces. They looked tired but fought it off to see through the whole game. Except for Shikamaru who was completely into the game.

"Finally!" Ino said as she got off the floor and walked over to me.

"Lets go see what your mom said!" She said and I nodded up to her. I stood and noticed the other kids also getting up.

"Little Sakura-chan." Shikaku said gaining my attention before I walked out. I turned to him and tilted my head in question.

"We should play again sometime." He stated and my eyes widened for a split second before I smiled at him.

"Okay." I said and bowed slightly before exiting the room.

Shikamaru caught up to me as we made our way over to Sora.

"That was a good game for your first time. How did you come up with some of those strategies?" He asked curiously.

"I just used some from Go that I knew, but your father was still too good." I answered and he nodded.

"Dad actually looked surprised throughout the game...Do you think we could play a game sometime?" He asked expectantly and I smiled at him and nodded.

"Sure, whenever you want." I said and watched him smile and look to the front when Ino yelled out happily. She ran up to me with the note in her hands.

"She said you could stay and sent over some things you would need." Ino exclaimed excitedly as she handed me the note. I was given my pink bag by Choji.

"Ino-chan do you think I could leave this with your mom?" I asked referring to my bag. She nodded and took it from me.

"Yeah, she brought some of my stuff over too!" She said and we made our way to her mother. The others decided to wait for us to come back.

Normal POV

"She did very well for her first time." Stated Hiruzen as he looked over to Shikaku.

"She actually did better than I had expected, better than Shikamaru's first time. I'm sure the only reason she hadn't done even better was probably because she had never played before. If it would have been Go, she might have had a chance at winning." Shikaku stated as he cleaned up the pieces.

"That good eh? I thought it was a joke when you told me about Fugaku; and although I'm not so big on games, I could even tell the kid was good." said Tsume as she sat near Kuromaru.

"Not only that, but Sakura-san had very...interesting idea's during their game of ninja." Said Hizashi.

"That's right. Hokage-sama, when should we speak to her?" Asked Inoichi. Hiruzen closed his eyes in thought and then opened them when he had decided.

"After dinner." Hiruzen spoke and proceeded to stand.

"Let's go see what her mother decided." Hiruzen said and walked out of the room with the others close behind.

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