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"Your Majesty, you should never go anywhere without me again." Eunuch Kim nagged. "Did you know how much trouble we went through last night when we found out that you and Her Majesty are missing?"

"Alright, alright. Next time, I will bring you wherever I go so please stop nagging." The King patronized Eunuch Kim, speaking to him without looking up from his book. 

He had endured Eunuch Kim's nagging since last night. He sure nags a lot, he thought to himself. If there ever is a nagging competition, Eunuch Kim could get the first place easily. Maybe I should hold one for him someday...

"You said that every single time." Eunuch Kim mumbled under his breath, unaware that the King has heard it. The King sent a deathly glare to Eunuch Kim, mentally killing him. Eunuch Kim's mouth made a perfect 'O' before he dismissed himself away quietly. He fears that if he stays another second, he will really be killed.

Finally some peace. The King flipped another page of the book he is reading.

Or so he thought. In less than five minutes after he left, Eunuch Kim appeared in the quarters again. "Your Majesty..." He presents himself before the King again.

"What is it?" The King looked up from the book that he has been reading, clearly annoyed. "Want to start your nagging again?"

"No, Your Majesty." Eunuch Kim's expression tells the King that he is about to deliver some bad news.


The King walked into the quarters but stopped short when he saw Joy in the room. She is seating on the opposite of his mother, smiling at her dearly.

"Oh son, how's your day?" The Queen Dowager asked with a smile the moment she saw him, while Joy looked at him with a surprised face. She sure did not expect the King to be here as well.

"Same as usual." The King replied casually, without maintaining eye contact with the Queen Dowager, as he took a seat next to his Queen. "Why did you ask to see me?" He asked. Surely there is some ulterior motive. He knew his mother well enough to know that she would never ask to see him or visit him if there is nothing she needs from him.

"My clever son." Queen Dowager praised with a bright smile plastered on her face. Meanwhile, the King fought the urge to roll his eyes. Joy sat up straight and stayed quiet as she felt the suddenly-tensed atmosphere.

"Well, you see, the Queen has entered the palace for a while..."

The Queen? What does she want to do with her? The King secretly glanced at Joy. He could feel her tensing up too.


That one word made the King goes stunned. He could feel his cheek-- in fact, his whole body-- burning hot. He did not expect that coming from the Queen Dowager.

"What?" He blurted out loud. Seating next to him, Joy felt her cheek blushing hard. The Queen Dowager smiled at the flustered King and Queen. Young children, still so innocent...

She is sure the King had heard her the first time, so she did not bother to repeat her words again. "You know full well that you may be the King but we still do not have full control of the court." The Queen Dowager begin her reasoning but the King is too flustered to listen to whatever she says. Looking at Joy, the Queen Dowager knew her message has successfully delivered across to her so she sees no needs to elaborate further.

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