Facing an overjoyed and excited blonde

Start from the beginning

I walked into the castle, ignoring the stares and whispers as much as possible. I made my way to another giant room, which I assumed was the dining hall because of all the students sitting and eating. A woman was sitting at the front of the room wearing spectacles and had her long, gray hair in a bun.

That was probably Professor McGonagall. Even Percy could figure that out, and he's such a seaweed brain. I walked as quickly as I could past the students who stared at me once again before reaching the table the woman was at. She looked up at me and smiled thinly. "You must be Annabeth Chase."

"Yes, and you must be Professor McGonagall." I said as the woman nodded. "Indeed. Well, I think we must get you sorted, even though you are staying here for not very long."

"I know all about the houses, my mentor taught me about them before I came here." I said. Professor McGonagall nodded slowly before saying "I will do your sorting tomorrow. You came in the middle of the day."

"I'm sorry for the unpleasant timing of my arrival, Headmistress." I said politely. Professor McGonagall waved it off with a dismissive hand. "It is no problem, dear. Now, I assume you came here to see young Perseus Riddle?" I frowned at the use of his last name. It was Jackson, and it would always be Jackson to me.

"Yes. Where is he?" I asked just as four more students walked into the dining hall. My heart caught in my throat as the one in the lead caught sight of me and stopped in disbelief. His three other friends stopped right behind him. Percy stared at me for a few more moments before his face broke out into a huge smile. "ANNABETH!" He ran at me, and I smiled as he crashed into me, nearly throwing me into Professor McGonagall.

He wrapped his arms around me and I laughed and kissed him. He melted into the kiss and we stayed like that for a few more moments, just enjoying being in each other's company. Finally, we broke apart and I pulled Percy in, resting my head on his shoulder. "I missed you, seaweed brain."

"I missed you too, Wise Girl." He murmured into my hair. Someone cleared their throat behind me I gently pushed Percy away to find a wide-eyed Professor McGonagall looking at us. She composed herself before saying "If you do want to show each other how much you love each other, please do it somewhere else. You have an audience."

Percy and I blushed and we both turned to face the crowd of students in the dining room. They were all gawking at us. Percy's friends came up behind Percy and smiled at me. "You all must be Harry, Ron, and Hermione, right?" I asked. Hermione nodded and held out her hand. "And you, Annabeth. Nice to meet you." I shook her hand before she leaned in and whispered "Percy' must be a lucky guy to find someone like you."

I stared at her as she drew away, now smirking. I shook hands with Harry and Ron and Percy mused "I have to show you around, this place is amazing."

"Can we do it tomorrow after my sorting?" I asked him. Percy nodded and said "That should be the best choice."

"What house are you in?" Percy heastied before muttering "Slytheirn. Probably because of my grandfather." "What about your friends? Are they Slytherin, too?" I asked. Percy shook his head and laughed. "Nah, they're quite the opposite, actually."

Noticing my look of confusion, Harry spoke. "We're all in Gryffindor. Hermione, Ron, and I."

Ron was eyeing me and he said wistfully "You're pretty." My eyes flashed and I saw Percy glower murderously at Ron while his hand went for his pen. I stepped forwards and slapped Ron hard in the face sending him reeling back in shock. Harry and Hermione looked at me in shock as I growled "I do not need you to be flirting with me, I already have Percy. I do not need anyone else."

Ron put a hand to his cheek and looked at me in fear while Percy visibly relaxed. He grinned at me, his green eyes full with gratitude. I slipped past the stunned trio and linked arms with Percy. "Actually, I would like that tour now."

Percy smiled and kissed me on the cheek. "My pleasure, Wise Girl."

Word count: 1430

I finally got Annabeth a bigger role in this story

Guys omg, I can't thank you all enough. almost 7000 reads already! i didn't know that many people would actually take time to read this

anyways, i'm going on vacation this monday to florida. to be more precise, to Universal Stuidos. that's right, i'm going to go to harry potter world and visit diagon ally and all of that other stuff

probably gonna spend over $1000

yeah, so i probably won't be able to update for a week

Percy Jackson, The Heir of SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now