Stiles answered almost immediately. Jamie quickly explained the situation to his spastic friend: Jackson had a separated shoulder and the doctors weren't sure whether he would be able to play on the next game. By the time Jamie was done explaining the situation, Melissa was coming back towards his work station. She looked rather pissed.

"You were right, this kid's a nightmare!" she complained before stopping in front of his desk, "But I got him to go back home, and I think you should do the same."

"But I still have charts to update!" the teen protested, gesturing to his computer screen as he spoke. Melissa smiled before gathering Jamie's bag and putting it in front of him.

"Your shift ended two hours ago. No, no, no, don't even try lying to me, I checked," she added quickly when she saw him trying to deny. "Go home, Jamie," the nurse said softly.

Reluctantly, the teen took the bag and got up. "Okay, okay, you win," he said before yawning. He exited the building, went straight home and crashed on his bed. He was asleep only a few minutes later.

The next few days were a blur. Derek Hale had threatened Scott again, pressuring him into getting out of the lacrosse game. Scott had tried to but Coach wouldn't let him -- which made sense since Jackson was still uncertain to play. The teens were on edge and learning that a curfew had been instituted because whoever had killed the girl in the woods was still on the loose did not help.

Stiles was still investigating the murder in his free time. His main suspect was still Derek and his friends agreed with him. However, they were having a hard time proving the man had done anything wrong. Their only option, as Stiles had pointed out, was to find the other half of the body. The only problem was that they had no idea how to achieve that.

Surprisingly, their problem was solved by none other than Scott McCall. He had grown tired of Derek constantly threatening him, so he had gone to confront the man at his house. He had then noticed something that gave the teens hope. The smell of blood, coming from the ground next to the Hale property. They were convinced the other half of the body, the one that had disappeared from the woods, was buried there. 

However, before digging into the ground, the teens wanted to make sure that it was indeed the body that Scott had smelled on the Hale property, not just some buried animal. One way of checking was by comparing the scent to the recovered half of the body, that sat at the morgue. So, during Jamie's following shift, Scott and Stiles got to the hospital. Jamie led Scott to the morgue then hurried back to his desk, not wanting anyone to note his absence. Their plan was simple: Scott would get into the morgue and identify the scent of the body, while Stiles would keep watch and Jamie would keep working normally.

Having successfully completed the first part of their plan -- or 'Phase One', as Stiles kept referring to it -- Scott walked into the morgue undetected. The door closed behind him, squeaking. The morgue was cold, the autopsy table thankfully empty. Scott looked around him but he struggled to see in the relative darkness. He took a few steps towards the wall, where the autopsied bodies were kept. He carefully read the labels displayed on each drawer, until one caught his eye.

"Jane Doe - Partial"

That was it. Scott took a sharp breath and placed his hand on the handle of the compartment. Gathering his courage, he opened it. He stared at the sheet covering the body for a few seconds before grasping the metallic table it rested on and pulling it towards him. Shaking, he slowly lifted the sheet to unveil two feet. One had a toe tag attached to it and a large bite mark was present on the other. Growing more uncomfortable by the second, Scott identified the scent as quickly as he could before putting the body back into place and exiting the room.

Once outside the morgue, Scott quickly spotted Stiles. His friend was sitting on a chair in the waiting room and reading a pamphlet on the menstruation cycle, oddly enough. Scott took the pamphlet out of his friend's hands, making the boy jump in surprise. He gestured for him to follow and started walking to the reception desk, where Jamie sat. Scott looked at both of his friends before speaking.

"The scent was the same," Scott stated.

"You sure?" Stiles asked excitedly -- he couldn't wait to put Derek behind bars.


"So, that means he buried the other half of the body on his own property?" Jamie wondered out loud. "Not very clever, if you ask me..."

"Who cares, it proves he killed the girl!" Scott replied, slightly raising his voice.

"I say we use it," Stiles added. He had this look on his face, Scott and Jamie could almost see the wheels of his mind turning as he devised a plan. His head suddenly shot up.

"We're gonna need shovels."

Brother || Teen Wolfजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें