Chapter 1- Horrible Memory

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Hello, everyone! Thank you for reading this! I really appreciate it.

Amy: OMG! This is your second publish for a long time! Congrats! *claps hands**smiles*

Me: *eyes twitching* Thank you. I think?

Shadow: Let's get this over with! Kaye! Stop being lazy and do the damn disclaimer! 


Shadow: *sweat-drop* *shaking in fear* Y-YES, MA'AM! *turns to readers* Uhh, Kaye doesn't own Sonic the Hedgehog! *whispers* Because if she do, *deadpans* all hell will break loose.

Me: *took out frying pan and hit Shadow then hid the pan behind her* Happy reading!



A red hedgehog blocked the oncoming blade with his sword. His opponent, a black hedgehog with red eyes, growled.

"GIVE ME THE CHILD!" He shouted in anger, striking his blade at the side but it was blocked again.

A small pink hedgehog around, 3 years of age, stared at the sight between her father and unknown man in fear. "F-Father." She tightly clutched the dress of the woman beside her.

Sensing her daughter's fear, she scooped the child in her arms as they slowly stepped backwards.

"Leila! Take Amelia somewhere safe!" The red hedgehog yelled to his wife as he stroked and blocked the attacks.

"B-But, Richard-"

"Go! NOW!"

Without another word, Leila, a beautiful white hedgehog, ran. Then her husband's painful screams echoed through the hallways, startling and frightening her.

"Father!" Amelia yelled, her jade eyes brimming in tears. 

A deep evil laugh sounded far away them but it became louder as if its running after them. "You won't get away!"

Leila's eyes widen and she quickened her pace. She swiftly turned on another corner, hoping to lose the man. Her pace became slower and she took a quick glance behind her. Big mistake.

She suddenly bumped into a hard chest, falling down on the floor, her daughter thrown a few feet away from the impact. Leila rubbed her head and opened her eyes, she gasped in fright.

"Did you think you will get away?" The same unknown man from before asked, smirking maliciously. He raised his blade and when Amelia turned to look at their direction, he stabbed the woman through her heart.

Amelia's eyes widen and she froze in shock. "M-Mother." She whispered.

The man took his bade out of the woman's chest, grinning when the body fell with a thud around a pool of blood. He turned his gaze to the still-frozen Amelia and slowly approached her. He stopped in front of her and  knelt down.

"Hello, Princess Amelia." He smirked. "My name is Janus."

Her eyes widen more and she screamed. "AAAAA-"


"-AAAAHHHH!!" A familiar pink hedgehog screamed as she snapped her jade eyes open. She quickly sat upright and took several fast breaths while clutching her chest, her eyes wide in fright and shock. "That memory..." She trailed off, still gasping for air. Then she felt tears on the side of her face.

After she calmed down and wiped her tears, she glanced at the alarm clock. 5:16. She sighed when a streak of pain occurred in her chest. She winced and waited for the pain to past away. After it did, she got off her bed and walked towards her closet and opened it.

She crouched down and placed the clothes on the bottom away, revealing a blue crystal studded box. She slowly took it and placed it on her lap. She stared at it for a few seconds, contemplating whether or not should she open it.

"It's now or never."

She opened the box revealing a crystal rose pendant on top of a sparkling blue garment. The petals were ruby red, the thorn stem was emerald green, and the chain was silver with specks of gold. When Amy took the pendant in her hands, the rose glowed with a pinkish aura.

Her eyes widen in shock. "He's back." She moved her gaze to the rising sun outside her window. "I hope they are safe.

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