Authoress' Show

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A girl with waist long raven hair and onyx eyes wearing an elegant red dress was sitting on a chair behind a mahogany desk. She flicked her long hair over her shoulder and arranged the stacks of paper on her desk and smiled, 

"Hey, guys, KaylaHeartfilia here! Yeah, um, sorry for not updating Frozen Rose for a very long time. It's really a huge blow to my being because I promised you that I won't stop this story." She set the papers aside and linked her hands together. "And I'm keeping that promise." She stood upand flashed a small smile. "However, I lost all my inspiration, motivation and am currently having the writer's block syndrome. If I continue this story with half-assed attempts, I--wait, did I just cursed?!" She yelled in shock.


The door to the room blew up, sending said door blowing to bits and off its hinges. Kayla's jaw dropped as she stared wide-eyed at the blue-blur Mobian at the door.

"Yes, Kayla, you just did." Sonic said with crossed arms. "Please tell me that you are not going to curse anytime soon. It doesn't fit you.

Kayla's eye twitched. "And what do you get out of blowing my door to pieces? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH IT'S COST?!

"Nope." Sonic said, popping the 'p'. Her eye twitched again before she turned to you.

"As I've said, if I continue the story now without my usual heartfelt words-" Sonic coughed at this. "-I'm afraid the story won't be as great as before and it could probably turn to the other direction to where I originally want it to." She sat down on her black chair and clasped her hands together. "So what I'm trying to say is--I TO PUT THIS STORY ON HIATUS? I'm so, so, so, so, so-"

"Stop it with the 'so's! Geez!" Sonic commented, annoyed.

"SHUT UP! So, so, sorry! I-"

"Apology accepted."

"It was not for you, Sonic!" Kayla yelled as she flashed him a glare then turned to you again. "I intend to keep that promise so until then, I am going to read all SonAmy stories to get my inspiration back. I need to sort thing out." She frowned. "I'm really sorry about this and I hope you can forgive me. Updating 3 stories at once is harder than I thought and I really want to keep going. I'm afraid that if I force myself to continue Frozen Rose, I will lose interest immediately. I hope you understand."

For awhile Sonic stared at her before grinning, giving her a thumbs up, "Don't worry, Kayla! The others and I can wait for you. We know you've been working hard and we respect that!"

"Really?" Her eyes broadened.

"Yup!" A new voice spoke. Amy. Tails, Cream, Shadow, Knuckles and Rouge all walked in. Amy smiled as she ran to the human and embraced her. "We are so proud of you! We know that you were doing your best and we appreciate that!"

Shadow nodded. "'Sides, even though I've been waiting for the plot to reach the 'calm before the storm', we can wait." Rouge nodded in agreement.

Knuckles snickered. "It won't do any of us good if the story is horrible.

Cream giggled. "Just continue when you've finally found your inspiration, Kayla."

Tails nodded. "The wait will totally be worth it!"

"See? Even they agree." Amy piped up.

Kayla's eyes watered. "Thank you, guys." She turned to you with a smile. "Until then, my dear readers, keep commenting on each chapter, maybe it will help me get an inspiration. Vote and PM me to tell me what you think. All your support and love helped me through making this book. And the more you comment, the faster I'll find what I'm looking for. So for the last words-"

The Mobians dashed next to her side and yelled. "SEE YOU NEXT TIME!"

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