EXTRA: ForthBeam

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I had this little extra one shot saved on my files. I decided to publish it as a way to promote my new story: Of First Meetings and Injured Brothers. Go and read it. Just the 1st chapter is up. When it reaches 100 reads, I'll upload the next one. It's also a Doctor!Forth AU. 


You guys think I should continue this book or create a new one just like this one? I just want to keep on writing these kind of one shots  but i think this book is just too messy :((

Warnings: A doctor Forth AU!!!  Not Edited :(

Go read muy other story 🤣😋


"Can you tell me why couldn't you take care of that patient I'm about to assist?" Forth asked his best friend, Mingkwan, as he walked next to the black haired man through the hospital halls. Both wearing their dark blue scrubs, showing they were part of the emergency room team, their stethoscopes around their necks. Ming rolled his eyes at his scowling friend but he had his reasons not to assist that patient, he had to be in the operating room in an hour, so the head doctor had told him to pass his patient to Forth, who was so not happy with it.

The patient Forth was talking about was a young man named Beam Beramee (excuse me i don't remember his last name xD), twenty-one years old, 5''9', 130,8 pounds, chicken pox few years ago, food poisoning about two months ago, Rh: AB+, black hair, brown eyes, good defenses, normal levels of glucose in his bloodstream, normal levels of cholesterol, etc; and now the guy ha been brought by his step-brother Kit who was the one to explain what had happened to him. He told the nurses that his brother had been helping him moving some boxes around his new flat. He explained that he lived in the second floor, and as they were at the task of carrying stuff up the stairs, Beam hadn't seen a lose piece of wood and  had he lost his footing and fell. The quick exam the nurses had performed in him showed that his left leg's femur was broken, so they were keeping him in a room while waiting to be taken to x-ray. And that was it. Ming was taking Forth to room 344B where the black-haired guy would be waiting for him to exam him better. Soon they were out of the room 344B.

"Here we are, ma'am, assist your patient you shall." Ming said in a gentleman-ish way. Forth grimaced at Ming's smugness, and went to open the door. Before he could even reach for the door, Ming grabbed his forearm and gave Forth one of his famous twisted smiles. "Shall I warn you that this patient was given some painkillers, so he might be a little tipsy and bubbly. Try not to bore holes in his head. From here I can feel the obnoxiousness radiating from you." It was half warning, half mocking from Ming's part.

"Okay, Ming, got it. You can go now and do nothing." Forth tried again to reach for the door but Ming also stopped him that time.

"Also... beware of his brother. He is a completely a known-it-all. Can you believe that I went to exam him and he said I didn't need to because he already knew exactly what was happening to him? I was furious about it, but you know about the 'no insulting patients or patient's family' policy, right? He's kinda hot, though." Forth knew well than to say something about what Ming was saying because he had to enter the room and he didn't want to prejudge a person. Sure, doctors didn't like when someone (and that someone not being a doctor) was sure they knew what was wrong and that they didn't need further examination. He composed himself and bid Ming goodbye. He really needed to have a talk about respect with Ming. If it moved, and was remotely cute or hot, Ming would chase them. Forth rolled his eyes.

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