18: San diego and san francisco shows

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I wake up the next morning to silence. Complete and utter silence. No savannah, no jonah, and no boys. I hate this already. But I gotta work. I gotta be an adult. Today I have an appointment with Mr. Alexander for his pictures. I get dressed in this and throw my hair up in a pony tail and don't bother with make up.

Shortly after I get to work

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Shortly after I get to work. Mr. Alexander shows up.

"Good morning Ms. Martin. I took the liberty of getting you a chai tea this morning."
"Thank you. How did you know it was my favorite?"
"Well I was at Starbucks and I thought it would be rude to show up with just some for myself. So I called and asked Jada what your drink was. You weren't in yet."
"Oh ok. Well I appreciate it. Now let's go over the lay outs one more time and make sure this is what we want."
We went over the layouts then went into the studio and started the photo shoot. We got about 50 photos then we chose which ones would be for his advertisements then I emailed them to his marketing team.
"Alrighty Mr. Alexander we are done. Please consider me if you ever need assistance again."
"Oh I will always call you Ms. Martin. You are the first photographer that has been a professional and not been drooling over me the entire session."
"Well I am in a very happy relationship."
"Yes I know with Jonah Marais Roth Frantzich"  he said in a sarcastic girly voice.
"I'm sorry?"
"My daughters are HUGE limelight's they are going to the San Diego show tonight."
Mr. Alexander leaves and I head home for the day. Sitting in silence once again. Till I get a FaceTime call from Savannah.
Me: hey girl
Limelight's: HI IZZY!
Savannah: I thought seeing the limelight's would make you feel a bit better.
Me: no but seeing my boyfriend would.
Jonah: hey baby! I miss you so much!
Me: I miss you to baby. So so much.
Savannah: we all miss you!

We had a short conversation then it was time for the boys to go on stage. Damn I miss them all so much! Hell even Zach. Zach is sweet and all but he is also slightly annoying.

About an 3 hours later at 11pm I get a text from Jonah.
Jojo bear💕- hey baby sorry I didn't talk to you much today we've been super busy.
My Izzy Leigh❤️- it's ok baby. How was the show.
Jojo bear💕- amazing wish you were here.
My Izzy Leigh❤️- same baby same.
Jojo bear💕- San Fran tomorrow is gonna be insane I've seen so many people talking about it.
My Izzy Leigh❤️- Just be careful my love.

The next day I woke up early and decided to go to the grove and do some retail therapy. I'm missing my boy friend and best friends so much. I don't think I've ever felt this alone. I go into H&M and find a few things. I go into a few stores and get a few things.

At 3 in the afternoon I'm back home and I get a phone call from Savannah.


"Savannah! Whats up?"

"Dude! August got really sick! He's in the hospital!"

"Oh no! What's wrong?"

"They aren't sure yet. August told the boys to keep going on with the show and he will make sure the doctors keep Tyler updated"

"Oh man! That sucks."

"BUT I have good news"

"Whats that?"

"We need a new tour photographer. We got a stand in for tonight. But David wants you as the tour photographer and he's already talked to Jada. Your flight leaves tomorrow at 6am"


"Just don't say anything to Jonah or the boys. I mean Jack knows. He will be picking you up from the airport but we thought it would be fun to surprise Jonah with this. It was actually August's idea."

"OH MY GOD! I need to pack."

"Yes you do."

I get off the phone with Savannah and I freak out a bit more. Surprising Jonah this will be fun. Then my heart sank. The last time I tried to surprise someone was Jonathan and I caught him in bed with Becky. No no no he wouldn't.
I start to pack and get everything together. I'll be gone for 4 months. I call the post office and stop my mail, I double check with Jada, then I go to the grove and get one more suit case.

The next morning

I wake up at 3am go shower, gather my stuff and put it by the door. Then at 4 I call an Uber. He arrives st 4:30 and we are off to LAX.

Izzzzzzy!- Morning Jack don't forget my flight lands at 7am please don't forget Jacky.
Jacky poo- I won't I'm already up. Can't wait to see you. Jonah is gonna be so surprised.

I stop texting Jack then head into the airport and get a Starbucks chai tea then wait by my gate. My flight was mostly business men and women.
"Flight 649 to San Francisco boarding now"
I hand the lady my ticket and go on the plane. Soon we take off and I wait.
I really hope Jonah is surprised.

Hey maerine!!! If your reading this on Savannah's phone that's cool but she told me you started reading this story so I had to shout you out!!!

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