Start from the beginning

"That's so corny." he tells me with a smile

"Hey, it's your song." I tell him

"But you're featured on it."

"Still your song that you wrote." I tell him


I'm laughing as the camera is turned on "Guys, this show was amazing ! I had so much fun with my boy, Brad !" I grab his cheeks like a grandmother would "Isn't he a pretty boy ? Yes, he is. Yes, he is." he pulls away laughing at my silliness

"Hey, I'm the oldest one, here. So show some respect, me dear." he tells me

"True, true... I was always told to show some respect to the elderlies !" I mock him, wearing a big smirk

"Why, you little !" he picks me up and twirls me around quickly

"Okay, smarty pants, you're the one, that said you were older than me !" I argue as he puts me down

"Yeah, well you are like, I don't know sixteen ?" he jokes making me scoff

"Well at least, I don't look like I'm thirteen !" I counter attack

"Okay, kids. Settle down !" James says as he walks to us

"Yes dad." Brad and I both say at the same time "Jinx ! Double jinx ! Triple jinx ! Quadruple mega jinx ! Peanut butter on a baseball bat ! With a cherry on top ?! Why ? Stop- Stop repeating me ! Me, no you- Stop-"

"Audrey, your car's here !"

"Bye !" Brad and I say at the same time, I then go and give all the guys a hug finishing off by Tris who was holding my camera


"So, I've just sat down on the train and by some coincidence, I've just met two Blanchers. Tell the others your names."

"I'm Noah and this is my twin sister Desirade." the young boy answers

"And how old are you ?" I ask them

"We're thirteen and a half." Desirade says with a big grin comparable to one that the Cheshire cat does

"So, what are you doing traveling to London, alone ?"

"We're going to visit our sister Drey who lives there with her boy friend, or should boyfriend Johan." Desirade explains to the camera

"And we were going to hunt for your hotel and try and get some photos with you..." Noah tells me

"Well, I'm going to turn off my camera now to save some juice, since I don't have a spare battery with me, but I'll see you when I get to London !"


"The journey was okay, now I'm just going to surprise my good friend, Charlie. Basically, he was supposed to leave today and his plane got cancelled so yeah, I didn't really tell him that I was coming back to London. So I just kinda used my celebrity status and said, that I was his girlfriend but we didn't want it in the media yet, which was a bunch of lies but whatever and that I wanted to surprise him and they gave me his room number. Which basically means if you're a celebrity, you can sneak into anybody's hotel room even other celebrity's or is it just because there has been rumours of us actually dating ? I don't know... I don't find it very safe, either way... Anyway, here's the card, that will open up the door and yeah, now I'm going to do the corny, cheesy thing, where I tell you guys to 'shhh...' even if nobody can hear you and I'm actually the one, that has to be quiet." I open the door and start whispering to my camera "I don't know if the mic is picking up any sound, but I can hear the shower running." I step into the vast room

The Hollywood : Reign 》Audrey Blanchard seriesWhere stories live. Discover now