Chapter Ninety-Five

Start from the beginning

The sigh Niall made suggested that they would both have to miss out on what had been about to happen, but he helped Liam off the floor and pulled his pyjama shorts back up before he kissed him quickly. "You can go."

Any argument otherwise was negated by the fact that Niall was still noticeably hard, meaning that Liam went without complaint, though he peered around the doorway as he left and asked, "Since I'm going, will you marry me?"

That had Niall laughing, some of the tension leaving him as he said, "Nope. Now go."


"Marry me."

"You know, I think I'm gonna start another swear jar, only it'd be one you paid into whenever you've said that." The smile on Niall's face took any weight out of his words and he shook his head at Liam, though he still went willingly to kiss Liam, piling onto the sofa with him and laughing as he asked again. "Marry me?"

"You know I already said yes, right? Remember, you were about to leave, Heat magazine was talking shit about us, I could still fit into my jeans, I'm pretty sure you cried?" Niall shook his head at Liam, still smiling even as Liam raised an eyebrow his answer, opening his mouth to protest though Niall kissed him again before he could form any actual words. It was an underhand tactic, though it was successful at silencing Liam and, sometimes, Niall liked to be able to do so. It never worked for very long, Niall had learnt as much, but he was quiet until they were laid far more comfortably, one of Liam's hands on Niall's stomach, feeling for the occasional kick the baby made.

Perhaps unfairly, Niall cut Liam off before he could speak, when he'd grown tired of the silence, and asked the question weighing on him before Liam could voice his own thoughts. "Why do you keep asking me, anyway? It's not like I'm about to up and run."

Liam's voice was quiet, when he finally answered after a moments silence. "Because I like to."

"Is that it?" Niall's voice was equally soft, and he almost wished he'd left the matter alone. There wasn't anything wrong with Liam asking him and he felt like he'd just gone and made it a Thing when it needn't necessarily have been one.

"Does there need to be another reason? I just like to. You smile, you know. When I ask. And I like seeing it."

As expansive as Liam's answer was, Niall let the matter drop, well aware of the blush taking over up his features at Liam's words and grinning a little. The moment was nice, though Niall wasn't inclined to let it last for too long, given that it might encourage Liam, and so he shook his head again before he looked up at him. "Sap. I'm gonna tell Zayn so he can take the piss out of you."

"You do that, love." Liam's head rested against Niall's shoulder and he pressed a kiss to Niall's jaw, "He won't believe you. My reputation is safe."

"For now." Snorting with laughter, amused by the idea of Liam having any sort of reputation at all, Niall shifted so he was laid underneath Liam, looking up at him, slightly relieved to see Liam was as equally amused by that as he was. This position also gave him the vantage point of making Liam reach for him, and he got to see the exasperation in Liam's eyes as they were interrupted once more, this time by the sound of footsteps as Chloe padded out to join them in living room, bleary-eyed and clutching a blanket and stuffed toy, the onesie she was wearing unzipped to show the unseasonable, Christmas themed pyjama top she was had on.

Niall had forced himself into an upright position by the time she reached, gratefully accepting the hand Liam had offered, and he held his arms out for her, an invitation for Chloe to settle herself in his lap. Once she was cuddled up against him, he pressed a hand to her forehead, grimacing as he felt how hot she was, and he made the appropriate noises as she whimpered and complained about how she felt.

Liam was dispatched to fetch Calpol and drinks and the right DVD — Disney, of course, and something inside his chest seemed lighter as he realised it was the Aristocats DVD he'd bought for her ages ago — and by the time he'd returned, Niall and Chloe were ensconced in blankets and waiting for him to slide into the space next to them, his arm wrapping around them both as the film started. 


Unfortunately, the plot fairy is away this week and won't be able to move this fic along at all. Instead, in her place, the fluff-and-nonsense fairy is here. 

But this was fluffy, right?

Completely no drama. 

Not like there's going to be any of that at all. 

This week, I'm obsessing over Miss You and worshipping Louis and I invite you all to join me by asking you all which of his solo material you like best.

For me, it's a toss up between Just Like You or Miss you. 


Thoughts on the chapter?

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