Hades Blind Mate|06

Start from the beginning

"You also have to wear the undergarments she provided." Lady Lee said, I definitely wanted to go naked now.

"She allowed me to wear her clothes?" I didn't believe that in the slightest.

"No, Sir Hades picked them out of her closet." Lee said, I groaned knowing that this would most likely not end pretty for me or her.

"Great." I said, sarcastically of course as she helped me put on a bra and goddess have mercy was it tight as fuck on my breasts.

"Oh dear, you seem to have a bigger bust size." Lee said, I groaned in agreement as I felt my chest and the fact my boobs were about to fall out of this tiny bra.

"All I got for now." I said, I felt her measure my body and muttered something about being a C cup. I lived in a basement for 10 year, I'm lost as fuck.

"Don't worry dear you still look beautiful." Lee said, I was currently in the dress that I was told to wore which felt nice against my skin.

"I wish I could see what we looked like as a human." Morana said, I never agreed with her more as I felt the soft fabric in my hands.

"You most definitely need a bigger bra size, but the dress covers enough to hid that." Lee said, I nodded my head behind my blind eyes like I understood what she was saying.

"Ok.." I said,

"Sweetie how much did your mother teach you?" Lee asked, well besides what a bra is used for nothing.

"I know what a bra is used for, but besides that no?" I said, honestly and my cheeks flushed as I sat back down in the chair.

"Oh, dear did she teach you about wolf mating? Sex? Heat?" Lee asked, I felt myself grow confused even Morana was confused and she was my wolf.

"Uhhh, No?" I said, I felt her grasp my hand and pull me towards a bed where she helped me sit down.

"Well before you go Hades, I'm going to explain somethings." Lee said, I was curious on how she knew anything about werewolf culture.

"How do you know all this stuff." I asked, she tensed and I felt it when her hand tightened around mind.

"I was a wolf once in my life before I died." She said, but it was a snipped version with no room for questions

She explained what I mate was but I already knew what they were. She explain about marking and then completing the bond which caused my cheeks to flare up and my mind to fumble around. When she talked about sex, I was about to explode from the embaresment I felt especially when she told me what was happening between Hades and I just a few hours prior of me cleaning up and the feelings I was expirencing. When she finished her talk I felt like I finally learned something, but my face felt like a stove top burning red.

"Thanks." I said, my voice was squeaky and low.

"Oh sweetie, I'm glad to be able to help now lets get you to Sir Hades before he has my head." She said, ushering me out of the room holding my and leading me down the darkness of my own eyes.

"What took you so long?" I heard Hades, his husky voice ripping me away from my embarrassed thoughts.

"Just explaining some woman knowledge to your dear mate." Lee said, and then I heard a loud and obnoxious voice.

"What the hell is she wearing." Persephone said, ladies and gentlemen prepare for a dramatic showdown.

"Clothes, she looks amazing." Hades said, I felt him kiss my cheek and my cheeks blazed red but I leaned towards him as he pulled me into his chest.

"My clothes, she looks like a dog." she squealed, I wanted to so badly shift and tear her apart.

"Technically she's a wolf, beautiful at that." Hades said, my cheeks tinted and I snuggled into his chest even if I couldn't see anything.

"Oh so your with the younger woman now! Letting her take what is MINE!" Her voice boomed, it was loud and the floor shook with it which made me flinch.

"We are divorced, I have no feelings for you LET ME MOVE ON." Hades yelled, his voice was loud and I felt suddenly extremely warm but it was so comforting as the feeling flowed around my body.

"Hades, y-y-your flames." Persephone stammered, I was confused until I felt myself getting pushed away.

I fell straight on my ass but the warm gentle hot feeling didn't leave my skin, it enclosed around me as a whole and I hummed at the contact.

"Are you okay Seina?" Hades voice quivered, he sounded hurt and worried while my arms felt around in the darkness.

"I'm fine, a little warm and my butt hurts." I whine, as his hand touches mine those beautiful warm sparks fly against my skin along with the gentle hot hum that ran threw me.

"How is that possible, you could never touch me while your blue flames were out." Persephone said, her voice sounded dejected and hurt and I was confused.

"Flames?" I said, I honestly wished I wasn't blind so I could see what was going on.

"Hades has blue flames that burst out of skin when angry, and your a giant blue fucking flame and your not dead or burnt!" Persephone screamed, I finally felt that bubble around myself warming my skin

"Why aren't we burning." Morana growled in my head, her confusion thick in her voice as it echoed into my own confusion.

"Hades is our mate, maybe we are special." I said, but I didn't know how to believe that.

I was confused and I couldn't see? How could I be special...

Word Count: 1267

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Ta-Ta for now my kitties ❤🐱, See you in Chapter 7

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