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It was the second week of the joint-operation the United States Government had launched. Spearheading the operation was the U.S Armed Forces and the US Department of Energy.

It all started a year ago. A Navy vessel patrolling on the gulf of Guinea, sent a report back to Navy command about its instruments going haywire. It was later overlooked and concluded as a possible technical failure.

As the months passed, several Navy vessels reported the same thing, strangely all the reports stated that their compasses always seemed to point towards a particular directions too. When specialist calculated the directional bearings it was discovered they all pointed to coastal Nigeria at the time of the incident.

The U.S Armed forces now curious sent the reports over to government owned research and science institutes. When none of them could find a plausible cause for the phenomena the the case was eventually sidetracked.

The department of Energy later took interest in it, and sent an intelligence agent to Nigeria equipped with special tracking equipment for for pinpointing the cause of the electromagnetic disturbances. They were worried that Nigeria might have been secretly creating some high-tech weapons, which clearly went against the United Nation's regulations on arms.

On his return, he brought the team at the department interesting news, apparently the source of the electromagnetic disruption seemed to be emanating from below a particular expanse of land off the lagos coast.

The soil sample he brought back also contained faint but abnormally high traces of radiation. The department forwarded the developments to the White house, citing that this may be signs of a new element yet to be discovered.

Its effect on the electromagnetic spectrum may be useful to them in developing EMP's (electromagnetic Pulses), which in turn would give the United states a massive edge as the worlds military superpower.

It was proposed then that in order for them to get to the source they'll have to drill the area, which was part of the coastal city of Lagos. Being that Nigeria was a sovereign nation and the operation was top secret, getting the permission to start drilling in one of its major cities would be nearly impossible.

It took them a while but the Department of Energy proposed the perfect plan. The United States could help solve the electricity crisis of the country as part of its foreign aid campaign, and using that as a cover, they could carry out their operation.

The proposal was sent to the President of Nigeria, and permission was given to the United States to aid the country's energy crisis.

That was when he, Dr.Clyde Hastings was appointed as the director of the operation, codenamed Enigma. It was a huge task; building a nuclear station to generate electricity, all the while carrying out their secret drilling mission.

To ease the workload, the job was split between him, -Clyde- and a Nuclear engineering specialist called Hugo. Clyde was to serve as the head of the drilling operation, and in experimenting,analyzing and collecting the mystery substance.

Hugo was the head of the Energy program, and his job was to oversee the building of the nuclear facilities in order to ensure that their proposal was fulfilled; so as not to blow their cover.

It was his second week here and work was moving at a good pace, The drills were set just above the 'target zone and construction of the outer walls of the first nuclear station -containing the drills- was almost completed. By late noon tomorrow they would be ready.

He looked around his tent, the work camp they had set up not too far off the construction site wasn't particularly a luxury, but then again he was never the luxurious type. He went through -for the fifteenth time- all the possible theories that had been drawn up about the mystery substance.

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