She could see his pale, dead eyes. She could see the blood that spread quickly across his white, ruffled shirt. She could see that the view of him was growing smaller as the ambushers dragged her away roughly, further into the dark, haunting woods.


   "Reina! Wake up!"

  Reina's eyes shot open, so wide each iris was a perfect circle of pure green. She sat up at the same time, fists flying in defense as her heart pounded wildly, cheeks wet with tears. She cried out loud when a pair of hands grabbed her wrists and pulled them down, her green eyes wound tightly shut. But then she heard him speak. Speak smooth, slow comforting words. She didn't realize that she was saying something too this whole time, as she cried and struggled like a little child. She was saying his name.

   "Reina, open your eyes. You're safe, my love," Harry murmured to her softly and calmly, loosening his grip on her wrists when she stopped flailing around wildly. "Look at me, darling."

   "H-Harry, Harry," she repeated over and over again, shaking and trembling.

   "I am right here, look," he told her, making her finally open her eyes.

  He felt his heart crack in his chest when he saw the fear in her eyes, fear and panic mixed with relief now that she knew that he wasn't dead. Her fingers skimmed his cheeks to see if he was real, because her nightmare scared her to that point. She saw his lively, beautiful green eyes and not the cold, dead, pale ones in her dream. She saw that there was no arrow sticking out of his chest, and that he was completely fine and alive. She told herself not to break down, and Harry could see the internal battle she was having due to that.

   "Come here, come into my arms," he encouraged her, holding his arms out for her to crawl into them, and she did.

   "You are alright, you are alive," Reina whispered to herself in reassurance, tone full of emotion as she hugged him firmly, sitting in his lap.

   "I am, do not worry, it was not real," he told her firmly, stroking her dark locks soothingly as he held her smaller body to him. He held her so close he could feel her heart pounding wildly through her chest. "I've got you, my darling. You are safe with me now."

   "They k-killed you," she whimpered with a shudder, feeling the urge to break down and cry hard.

   "Who did?" he questioned quietly.

   "The ambushers, the ones who attacked us y-yesterday," she told him with a sniffle. "It was horrible!"

   "I know, my love, I know," he sighed heavily, feeling her pull her head back to rest her forehead against his, eyes closed. "Don't cry, please."

   "I-I was so scared," she whispered with a long tear rolling down her cheek. "So scared I lost you."

   "Oh love," Harry whispered with an aching hurt. "You did not lose me, I am still here, aren't I? None of it was real, Reina. You are safe and alive. I am safe and alive. Do not worry your beautiful heart over this," Harry hushed her with comforting strokes of his thumbs on her cheeks, wiping her small tears away. "It is alright now. It is all over."

  Harry was in slight shock even though he didn't show it as much. He had never seen Reina so frightened and so shaken up before. She seemed so vulnerable and that didn't seem like her, which really shocked him that he was seeing this side to her now.

  Reina couldn't help but be traumatized by the dream and the ambush that happened yesterday. She felt like she had lost the love of her life all over again, and she couldn't even comprehend what had happened because with Harry in the dream she felt that she could've stopped it from happening. It was different to when Jon died, which she had no control of.

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