Chapter 18 - Goodbye

Start from the beginning

"Tristan, Charlie and Ryan. You boys make sure you stay good...good. Okay." The boys just all nodded, tears streaming downing there faces.

"Boys" he said referring to JJ, Connor and Seth. "You stay good, or...I'll haunt your asses!" He coughed. He looked at Trey and had a silent conversation with him.

"Stop it! Just stop saying goodbye because your going to be fine! Stop!" I screamed and sobbed even harder. I don't understand why his saying goodbye, he isn't going away!

"Nugget?" he asked in bearly a whisper.

"Don't nugget me! Your giving up. Your not suppose to give up, your suppose to stay with me and the gang forever and never leave me" I said sobering up, because he's not going away. "You promised you wouldn't leave."

He was about to say something but then he started cough, bringing up blood. No no no no!

"Jessie, don't you dare leave us man!" Aidan ordered, now crying as much the rest of them.

Slowly his eyes were starting to shut. This is not happening!

"Don't you dare Jessie!" I Trembled, feeling the tears start once again.

"I'm sorry"



That's what I am, even after a 2 weeks.

After Jessie's passing, none of us have been the same. The house is just empty. Not even having my own room now made it any better.

JJ, Connor and Seth have all stayed here for the week, they wanted to be with all us. I mean they were all close with Jessie regardless of only knowing him for under a year. I mean heck I'm super close with them all after a month or so.

There was just so much heartbreak around, it was horrible to see the ones that I loved in that way.

I just wanted Jessie back.

Today we're all attempting to go back to school.

As you can imagine I'm so thrilled to be going back. However, for once I had four others joining in on my hate for school. It just didn't seem right, you know? Going to school means going back to normality and that means Jessie is already being forgotten.

I never want him forgotten.

Pulling up to school just felt weird. I felt that everybody knew about what had happened and were judging me. I know it's impossible for people to know, especially after Aidan had cleared it all up. It was a big mess to clean up, let me tell you.

Chase and his men had gone ahead and killed all the staff members in the building. Those poor innocent people had gone ahead and lost their lives all because of me. That's why Jessie wasn't here, because of me. They were after me and it was all my fault. Maybe I should give myself up and hand myself in. I won't be missed that much and after all, they may send me back in a body bag. At least the guys could give me a funeral.

I wish I knew why they wanted me. Why they were so persistent on getting me and hurting me. They killed my mom and Jessie. Correction, Chase did! And I swear I will not stop until that son of bitch is dead! After all, I did make him a promise.

Hopping off my bike, I realized Trey and the boys had pulled in a few spaces down. Slowly walking down to them, I suddenly felt everybodies stares. Hey, I don't blame them I look like shit. My hairs scrapped back, I have no make up on, I have leggings on, an oversized sweatshirt and my beat up converse. Definition of attractive, let me tell you.

"Hey Har" Seth greeted me, pulling me into a hug. A hug is what I defiantly needed.

I've turned into a right girl.

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