“Hello? Mrs. Lawson?” I asked as I heard the call tone go away.

            “Casey? Is that you?”

            “Yeah, it’s my new number.”

            “Oh, how are things, are you okay?”

            “Yeah, he is really great to be honest, I feel like I’m in a palace. Anyways, anything on Meredith yet?”

            “Her trial is being held on Wednesday, the judge wants you here for it to rest your case.”

            “Does my dad know?”

            “The judge should’ve called him. How are you mentally?”

            That sounded a bit awkward but, “Okay, I miss Kaylie…” I drifted off.

            “I can imagine, give Nick a call and talk to him it may make you feel better.”

            “Yeah, I am going to; well…see you in a few days?”

            “You know it, I’ll be right on your side.”

            “Thanks.” I smiled.

            “Anytime Casey, talk to you later.” She hung up.

            Thank god, maybe she will go to jail for a long time and leave me alone forever. I couldn’t stop thinking about how I get to see Kaylie and Nick in a few days, but what would happen after that? I couldn’t just leave my dad, but I couldn’t leave them either. Instead of worrying now I just quickly dialed Nick’s number and pressed call.


            “Case? Is that you?”

            “Yeah…it’s  my new number my dad bought me a phone.”

            “Cool, how are you? I miss your beautiful face.”

            “Good, I miss you and Kaylie too. However, I will be back in a day or so for Mere’s trial.” I was too lazy to say her whole name, or I was too disgusted.

            “That’s good, and then are you staying here?”

            “I don’t know that’s the thing.”

            “Well, we can work it out after the trial.”

            “Yeah, well I have to go and see what the plan for the day is, so I love you and give Kay a kiss for me.”

            “Okay, I love you too.” We both hung up.

            I tapped my finger on the phone and just stared off into space, then I heard my dad come down the stairs.

            “Hey, so I just got a call from the Denver court saying you need to appear to plead your case in court on Thursday.”

            “Yeah I know, my teacher just told me.”

            “Your teacher?”

            “Long story.” I laughed.

            “What are your plans after court?”

            “Well it all depends on what happens really.”

            “True, well believe it or not, I have another condo almost exactly like this one about 2 streets away from where you live, I stay there every now and then when I tried to see you, we can stay there for a few days until you figure out what is going on, you could even have the baby and Nick stay if you’d like.”

            “Really? You would be okay with that?”

            “Yeah, but for today, we can take the jet to Denver tomorrow night, today we do whatever.”

            Wow, he has a jet too, “Well, I have to shower first and then we can do whatever I don’t really mind.”

            “Okay go shower.” I nodded and walked up the stairs. I took a long shower, it felt so nice. I looked through my whole new wardrobe to decide what to wear, I set on a pair of white jean shorts and a pretty light blue kami top. I sat on the bed for a few minutes just thinking, what am I going to do after court? This was so crazy, I wish I didn’t have to decide. However, I was happy to see that I had a great father, and I really couldn’t wait to hopefully and maybe finally see Meredith’s face for the last time.

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