Chapter 13

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     You turned 18 five months ago right? Yeah why? Jade had a confused look on her face. Well Perrie responds, I was wondering if I can see your tattoo? She had this look of vulnerability on like someone just asked her to strip naked in front of 100 people. She quickly answers no sorry. She looked very nervous all of the sudden like she was hiding something. Perrie says, I'm not trying to pry but why do you look so nervous I'm not that intimidating am I? She started to awkwardly chuckle and said no lol it's just that I've never shown it to anyone. Perrie was shocked, "what does that mean she never showed anyone." Why didn't you show anyone? She answers, because I feel like it's a personal thing that should be shared with me and her when the time comes. She says, I respect that but how do you plan to find her if she can't spot out your matching tattoo since you hide it? She says, because the tattoo is so unique that when the time comes when she gets hers that she'll know who I am and I'll know who she is.

       Perrie's idea of Jade completely changed in her head once she talked to her outside of school. It's like she's a completely different person one on one. A better more mature person, Perrie couldn't get rid of the feelings she had when she was with her, the little butterflies flying all over her stomach. She didn't know what to do anymore, she was literarily taking over her mind. She suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion come over her so she checked the clock and saw it was already 2 a.m! She didn't even bother changing into pajamas. She just got into her navy blue covers and fell asleep.

         Once she woke up from her beeping alarm she got up and jumped into the shower for her first day back in school after the whole Emma Zayn thing. She's not as nervous for school anymore because last night when Jade was over Perrie and her were sitting on the couch taking a break from there project and she kept on bugging her saying "I know something's bothering you just stop being a baby and tell me what's up" so after about 30 minutes of a annoying Jade bugging her she finally told her everything.

Perrie- I felt much better afterwards and Jade was surprisingly good at giving advice. She said that I can call her at anytime, and that she'll stick with me in school because she saw that I was scared to go back since I lost both my best friend and boyfriend in a matter of 5 minutes. When Jade left my house she hugged me goodbye and i can't get over how I felt it was like rush of butterflies going through my whole body. I just don't understand why she was such a jerk to me in school and when she comes over she turns into this sweet and sensitive person but I can't lie it intrigued me.

Perrie got out of the shower and went through her closet looking for something to wear to school. It had to be very sexy because she has to show Zayn what he's missing out on. Finally she found her black velvet crop top she bought from Zara and a pair of blue one teaspoon jeans, she was contemplating if it would be too much to put on a pair of black lace up Louboutin heels but said yolo and threw them on.

     Once she finished her makeup she noticed the time and saw she had 10 minutes to be in school. She lives 5 minutes away so she grabbed an apple, jumped in her Range, and sped away making it in the school with seconds to spare.

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