Chapter 4

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Once you turn 18 both boy and girl you get a tattoo. It's a unique tattoo that only one other person in the world has. That other person with the matching tattoo would be your soulmate. It's kind of scary to think about being only ever made for one person. It's also scary that if you don't find that one person, then you're left alone for the rest of your life. It is illegal to be with someone other than your soulmate, and everyone else is paired up with their soulmate. So it's not like you have a huge variety of people to choose from. Perrie never really gave it any thought about it because she knew it was gonna be Zayn.

A couple minutes pass and she's lost in her thoughts. Zayn kisses her cheek, and she quickly looks up to notice that everyone is staring at her. Perrie quickly blushes and says she has a lot going on. Zayn gives her a look that was asking her if everything is okay, and she gives him a slight nod whispering "I'll tell you later."

The day is over. Zayn meets Perrie in the hall and walks her to her car hand in hand. He wanted to know what was going on, and why she was acting weird all day. She told him he should come over so they could sort things out.

They walk into her house dropping their bags on the floor. Perrie offers him something to eat, as they walk into the kitchen. Zayn pulls out a pan and some stuff from the cabinet. Then he starts to make himself something to eat. The fact that Zayn was this comfortable in her house made Perrie more comfortable too. It made her feel less alone and like she had someone there for her. She sat on the island stool in the middle of her kitchen and watched him pour two cups of syrup and brings a plate of pancakes. She couldn't imagine a life without him. He knew everything about her, sometimes she thought that he knew her better then she knew herself. She watched him get forks from the draw and stand in between her legs. In that moment she knew that he was her soulmate, and there was no question about it.

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