Chaper 1

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    Perrie Edwards is a 17 year old girl living in Melbourne Australia. She woke up and was very busy picking out the perfect outfit for her first day of senior year. Stressed out as to what to wear she hears the buzz of her phone. She stops, drops everything she's doing, and jumps on her queen size bed to look at her phone. She smiles once she see's it's Zayn, her boyfriend that she's been dating for over 3 years. It says,

good morning beautiful, you ready for the first day? - Zayn
    Perrie smiles and replies,

noooo i miss the summer... i'm going to have breakfast. i'll see you at school! - Perrie

Perrie knew she wasn't going to get a reply, so she got dressed and went downstairs to eat breakfast. She got a bowl from the cabinet and poured herself some cereal. She went over to sit at the kitchen table which overlooked a beautiful view of the beach. The kitchen was her favorite place in the house because she felt like she could just relax and silently think to herself.

She felt lonely in her 5 story mansion because she lived in it alone. She didn't see her parents a lot because they were constantly out of the country working, or as they liked to put it "supporting the family". Her mom was a high end fashion designer and her dad was huge in real estate. She couldn't complain because they would always fire back with " how else would you buy your clothes or drive that expensive car?" Their thoughts on parenting was that handing her money was equivalent to being around.

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