Chapter 1

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"AMERY! FOR THE LAST TIME, WAKE UP BEFORE I DRAG YOUR ASS TO THE TOILET" I groaned and sit up "I'm up mum. There's no need for you to kill my poor ass okay" I said and get up to get myself ready for school.

As I got to the toilet, I brush my teeth and face and hop in the shower. After 5 minutes of the shower, I wrap the towel around me and step out of the toilet and went to my room.

I put on my undergarments and shorts and my jacket just because I'm too lazy to look presentable. I brush my brown hair and let it dry naturally. After putting on my Converse, I head downstairs to the kitchen.

"Morning mum! Morning Blake"

Now, Blake is my twin brother. We share the same feature the only difference is he had a lighter shade of brown hair and well he's a male.

"Morning Ammy" 

I went to the cupboard and reached out for my granola bar. Knowing Blake, he won't let me have a decent breakfast. He'll be went like 'chop chop let's go to school now'

"You ready?" Blake asked

"Yep. Just a sec" I quickly go to my mum, kiss her cheeks and went out the door to Blake's car and went to the other side of the car and got in.

We went to the Jackson's high. And to say I was excited would be a total lie. The students is a downright annoying people. All I can think about is choking them and I'm not even a violent person.

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