Chapter 4

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Jimin's POV

We drove back to the dorm both silently staring out of our windows. Nobody was talking and the tense air was heavy on my shoulders. The relationship between Yoongi and me will never be the same after what happend during the dinner. I was so embarrassed because I loved the way he touched me, and he knows that, since I was so hard and turned on. I turned my head a little bit to get a glimpse of Yoongi, who was looking out of the window as if it was the most interesting thing in life. 

We arrived at our apartment building and both went silently to the elevator. I pressed the button and we stood there waiting for it to be at our level. I was looking down, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt. I felt Yoongi looking at me which made me unintendedly blush and nervous. The elevator doors swung open and I quickly went inside into the very back corner. Yoongi came in after me, acting all cool as if nothing happened. But I know him better to believe his fake attitude. He pressed the button to our apartment and stood in front of me facing me. I didn't dare to look up into his face, but I felt his gaze burning holes into me. He came even closer and I was trapped in the corner like a lost deer. My breathing became faster and I just prayed for the doors to finally open, so that I could run to my room and lock the door. Before anything else could happen the elevator came to a stop and made the usual ping noise, which meant that we were there. I slipped to the side and past Yoongi but I was pulled by my arm into Yoongi's room. He closed the door and we both stood there in the dark. Only silhouettes of us were visible because of the moon shining through the window. My heartbeat was probably at an unhealthy speed right now. If he isn't gonna say something the next seconds, I swear I'm gonna die.

Yoongi: "Why did you want to introduce me to that annoying ass hoe?"

His tone was dangerously low and I could tell that he was angry and maybe jealous? I was trying to think of an answer that would get me out of this situation real quick without making him even more furious. He slowly walked right into my direction, which made me back up to keep a safe distance from him. I wasn't scared of him, maybe a tiny bit. I just couldn't control myself when he is too close as you could see at the restaurant.

Yoongi: "Not gonna answer me? Because you don't want to or because you don't even know why you tricked me into meeting her?"

I bit my lip and tried to bring myself to finally speak up.

Jimin: "You wouldn't have come to the dinner, if I had told you, that Mina would come too."

There! I said it. I hope he is satisfied now. Can I please go to my room? He stood in front of me probably looking at me, but I couldn't tell because he still hasn't switched on the lights. 

Yoongi: "True. Next question. Tell me honestly what you like about her to let her sleep with you."

I don't like her. But I was horny and needed someone to help me out with that. Although I never really had sex with her ad I think I never will because just imagening it makes me want to vomit. But if I tell Yoongi all that he is gonna laugh at me and make fun of me. 

Jimin: "I ... I don't know. But that is none of your business, is it?"

Now I was getting angry at him because first of all, I can have sex with whoever I want and second of all, he was making it sound as if it was wrong to have sex with her. Tastes are different from person to person. Even though he was totally right with everything he said. But I would never let him know that. I am way too stubborn for that. My anger was taking over my embarrassment and I glared at him through the dark room. I heard a small chuckle leaving his mouth. He thinks it's funny. Unbelievable! 

Yoongi: "You are right. It isn't. But if you really like or even love her, you wouldn't have let me get you off under the table without trying to stop me from it. You liked it, didn't you?"

He took my chin and made me look into his eyes. He was so close, I could feel his hot breath on my face. I had no words, because if I would deny the obvious, he would notice me lying. I hate his arrogance, but I have no chance to fight him right now, because i would definitly loose.

We stood in this position for what seemed like a century and were both totally lost into each other. None of us were talking or moving, because we both didn't want to ruin this moment. Yoongi's anger was gone and so was mine. The moon was now shining right at us, so that I could see his face, which had a soft expression. My eyes wandered from his further down to his perfectly shaped pink lips. Suddenly he leaned in closer and closer and because I was like traumatized I couldn't move and just let it happen. Our lips touched and I instantly sighed out of relief. He wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me closer. I let my hands rest on his warm chest and let everything go. All the pressure and build up feelings. His lips moved slowly until I was comfortable and started moving in sinc with his. He then started sucking in my thick bottom lip and bit it softly, which made me whimper out of pleasure. His hands went from my neck to my hips and he held onto me as if he would never let me go again. He tried to get access to my mouth to explore and taste me better. As soon as I opened my mouth a little he used his opportunity and slipped his tongue in, while letting out a satisfied growl. I got goosebumps all over my body and felt my legs get all shaky. Our tongues fought for dominance, which I submissively gave to Yoongi. He pressed our bodys even more together and both of our hard dicks were rubbing against each other and I moaned into the kiss.

I totally forgot to breath, so that I pulled away, snapping out of it and pushing Yoongi further back to get some space. We both were breathing heavily and my lips felt swollen and a little bruised from the roughness of the kiss. The only thing that came to my head was to get out of his room. Right now. I ran out and pushed the door close before I continued running into my room and locking it. I sat on the edge of my bed and took a fist of my hair. Fuck what did we just do? I touched my lips, having a flashback of our make out session. It was so good, one of the best kisses I have ever had. But the first one with a boy, and it had to be with him? I mean I like him for a while now but I always suppressed my feelings because I never knew he would ever like me back in that way. All those walls I build up inside of me were crushed down simply by him moaning out my name that night after the concert. Does he even like me in a romantic way or is he just playing around with me because he has nothing else or nobody else to pleasure him? Usually he is like an open book to me but this time I have no clue what his intentions are. And I am afraid to let myself fall for him and be disappointed in the end. I couldn't take his rejection. I want more than just this, whatever it is, we have right now.

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