Chapter 3 (light smut)

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Yoongi's POV

It was now 12.31am and I decided to go to my "Genius lab" and maybe write some new songs or something like that to distract myself from all that's going on right now. And also nobody can disturb me there since only I know the code to the room.

Next time I looked at the time it was almost 4pm! I was so focused on writing some lyrics, that I lost track of the time. I put all the chaos of emotions, going on inside of me, into those lyrics. It felt like a little bit of a relief to me, kind of like talking to someone. I hate how Jimin makes me all weak when he is around. Usually I am not someone, who would fall for a person that easily. Wait did I just say fall for? I didn't fall for Park Jimin! We never even had like a date or any sort of intimate connection, besides the orgasm at the same time. I mean we know each other since 7 years now and spend most of our time together and of course he is one of my best friends. I always said that he was the best looking in the group, but never meant it in THAT way. I also admire his dancing and singing skills, because he is so damn talented. The way he moves...

Yoongi's imagination:

Yoongi's imagination:

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I snapped out of it when I felt myself getting hard just by imagining him dancing

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I snapped out of it when I felt myself getting hard just by imagining him dancing. Fuck he is just such a turn on! I can't deny it anymore. I want him. And I am going to get him. He will beg me to fuck him. This is gonna be a fun game. I am hungry since I had no lunch. I was about to go out of the room, when I noticed the still hard bulge between my legs. Great! I need to take a cold shower to get rid of it. But what if somebody sees me sneaking into my room, since you can definitely see it through my sweatpants. I tried to push it down and hissed at the touch because I was so sensitive. I tried to make out any noises from the other members but everything seemed quiet. So I pressed the door knob and peaked outside. No one was there. Where is everyone again? And this hole thing is so not cool or swag. Jesus I am making a fool out of me. Okay. I went outside and closed the door behind me. I had to pass RM's studio and Jimin's room. I started running as quick as I can and made it safely to my room. I shot the door and let myself rest against it for a few seconds.

*knock* *knock*

Jimin: "Are you okay Yoongi?"

You've got to be kidding me! I let my head fall back and sighed annoyed.

~Nobody can please you like I can~ (18+ || Yoonmin FF)Where stories live. Discover now