There was something about Elison which made him confused. The man was kind but had also caused him to lose his eyes. An excuse which anywhere else would be good enough but somehow, despite the sympathy in the city for Jaspar, it was not a good enough excuse for him to hate someone apparently. Though Justice had said to have fun with Elison.

Part of Jaspar winced at the idea, he had been brought up better than that. Yet at the same time, the idea had a kind of appeal. He was falling under some kind of Stockholm syndrome, he might as well have some fun and get some pleasure out of the progress. At university, he had always enjoyed being a bottom but that wasn't to say he didn't enjoy having some control. The idea of having complete control over a sexual situation with Elison was actually quite arousing.

Being blind hadn't taken away his sense of touch and he had woken up with Elison's hard on against him several times that week. It did not feel small, far from it. It was possible that losing his sight meant he couldn't compare it to over sizes but Jaspar was almost curious as to what size Elison's dick actually was and if he could use it well.

Not that Jaspar was going to let Elison fuck him just quite yet. Even if he did give into his slight urges to cop a feel and find out just how big a member Elison had, it would but going nowhere near his arse for a while yet. He had standards and letting a guy he had barely known a week fuck him was not in them. No matter how big and filling his cock was.

Jaspar blushed as he suddenly realised his own cock was starting to react to the imagery he was thinking off. Slowly, he willed it away, continuing to play and praying that no one could tell that he had a semi. While having tingly feelings was nice, having them in the middle of the Rook when it was busiest was not the most comforting idea and instead he quickly wilted.

Continuing to play through all of this, he found himself pausing as something flashed through him. Not quite a vision but definitely still foresight. A moment where he was not in his own body, where he had seen a flash of a sight and a deep sense of the person's feeling. Like a few screens of a film. It had happened occasionally before he had lost his eyes too. A sudden feeling of what was going to happen. Jaspar knew that unlike his 'normal' visions, this was about to happen soon. Something bad was going to happen close by and the impending darkness had ripped the veil for a brief moment.

The goddess fate loved her games, as proven by Jaspar's situation but she also did not approve of bad karma on people who did not deserve it.

"Jaspar?" Elison called at the lack of music. "You ok?"

"Just fine." Jaspar nodded, before tilting his head slightly as he thought how best to check where the event was going to take place. "But I think someone else may need some help," he mused out loud. "Can someone tell me? Is there a cat sign outside near the Rook?" he asked, making a few people look a little confused at the seemingly out of the place question.

"Yes, the bakery across the door has one," Leo commented from the side, the daytime bartender playing cards as was his normal evening routine.

"And there is an alley beside it?" Jaspar continued, thinking over what he had briefly glimpsed and felt in the moment.

"Yes," one of the customers commented.

"Someone is about to get beaten up, possibly killed there. Could someone do something about it?" Jaspar asked, turning around on his piano stool to swing his legs innocently. "I think they are still underage," he mused as someone stood up to open the Rook's front door.

Like before a cold wind filled the Rook, followed by a yell of pain and the sounds of thugs. Several people stood up from their tables and left, the door shutting behind them and blocking out the sounding of the impending fight. Jaspar hoping that the men saved whoever was being attacked but not moving from his seat. Someone sat next to him on the piano stool, brushing against his side.

"This is new," Leo commented from next to him. "Is this common?"

"Not really. It happens from time to time," Jaspar shrugged, feeling a little dissociated at the moment. Like he wasn't really there. "Bad things happen to someone who doesn't really deserve it and I see it. Usually, there is little I can do to help, though."

"Well half the pub went, including Elison, so I'm willing to bet the guy will be fine," Leo hummed. "I hope he's someone in the know."

"In the know?" Jaspar questioned curiously. The numb feeling in his chest seemed to grow bigger, making it slightly harder to breathe.

"Oh, sheltered one... You don't think everyone in this city is aware of the supernatural or the underbelly, do you?" Justice chuckled sitting on his other side, the three men having to squish together to fit on the stool. "Most of the general populace is blissfully unaware."

"But the wardens..." Jaspar frowned. Surely with the wardens working with the police, this was one of those cities where everything was pretty much out in the open even if the general populace didn't acknowledge it.

"Are technically secret service. Normal humans can't cope well. I imagine your parents only let you know about the supernatural because being a seer you would have always attracted it somehow," Leo mused. "Not that if the boy is unaware it will cause many problems if he is a citizen. There is a number to call for that but by the sounds of it, his night is bad enough without that realisations." Several people laughed at that comment. Jaspar was still numb while another part of his brain was yelled that it was not a laughing matter. The laughing stopping as the door reopened and people trod back into the room. The pub moving back to its former ambience of chatting.

Footsteps walked towards him and a chair was pulled over, a body dropping into it. "Jaspar, we have him. He's fine," Elison commented, his voice a little tight. "He's safe for now."

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